Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2012, №3.

CONTENTS Yu.A. Balashov, G.B. Fershtater, A.A. Krasnobaev, F. Bea, P.Montero VARIATIONS IN OXYGEN VOLATILITY IN MANTLE AND CRUSTAL SYSTEMS IN THE URALS Variations in oxygen fugacity, as measured by the ratio of Ce +4 / Ce +3 in zircons of mantle and crustal rocks are separated within the Ural orogen into two groups, reflecting the conditions of sharply oxidized or reducing regimes of rock formation. This is true for the systematics of dunite, gabbroid, granitoid and metamorphic differences, including the diagnosis of oxygen volatility on the basis of geochemical and petrological data. We also emphasize that such a comparison has been first made for platinum-bearing formations of the Urals orogen and associated crustal rocks. Keywords: lithosphere, rocks of core and mantle, rare earth elemens - ratios Се+4/Се+З in zircons as indicater of oxygen fugacutiesin in the Earth upper covers, Yu.A. Balashov CONDENSATION AND ACCRETION PROCESSES IN PROTOPLANETARY CLOUD In this paper, we introduce a trial detail analysis of early stages in chondritic meteorites forming during condensation and accretion. With this goal, we use rare earth elements, which are very similar in chemical properties and considered high-temperature in volatility Keywords: cosmochemistry, chondrites, condensation, accretion of rare earth elements, boiling and melting points, the mantle and the crust of the Earth. N.P. Dmitrieva, M.M. Beloshkurskaya, I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova TTANSIENT AURORAL STRUCTURES AND ENERGETIC PARTICLE INJECTIONS AT THE GEOSTATIONARY ORBITS TV data for 18 auroral substorm events when equatorward-moving transient structures occurred have been analyzed. Dynamics of auroral structures was compared with sharp increase in the energetic particles observed by LANL spacecrafts in nearby MLT sectors. Time depending geographic location was defined for each trace. Using these data and standard magnetospheric model T96, all distinct auroral traces as well as equatorward boundary of the auroral bulge were mapped to the magnetosphere. Comparing the mapping result with energetic particle observations by LANL spacecrafts, we found out that there is clear enhancement in the electron (proton) fluxes dawnward (duskward) of the mapping region. Near the mapping region the simultaneous enhancement was observed in both electron and proton fluxes. We also calculated drift trajectories for different energy particles and defined azimuthal boundaries of dispersionless injections. The region of auroral structure mapping was found within the injection region or near its boundaries for all cases. We conclude that transient equatorward-moving auroral traces represent the ionospheric manifestation of the accelerated plasma injections at geostationary orbit. Keywords: substorm, substorm phases, auroral transient structures, energetic particles, plasma injections, auroral dynamics, auroral keograms. A.V. Melechin NEW TO RUSSIA AND MURMANSK REGION LIHENS SPECIES Ropalospora atroumbrina is found in Russia for the first time. Earlier it was distributed in the Fennoscandia only (Sweden and Finland). Five lichen species are reported new to Murmansk Province: Fuscidea gothoburgensis, Leprocaulon microscopicum, Pertusaria excludens, Stereocaulon coniophyllum, Trapelia involute. Keywords: lichens, Murmansk province, new to Russia, Lapland reserve. G.A. Evdokimova, M.V. Korneykova, N.P. Mozgova, V.V. Redkina MICROORGANISMS OF AIR ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ON GRADIENT FROM THE PLANT "PECHENGANIKEL" TO RESERVE “PASVIK” The analysis of the microbiota of air was carried out in summer 2012 at different distances from the emission source of copper-nickel plant "Pechenganikel". The obtained data indicated about bacterial contamination of the air near industrial center. The numbers of bacteria in the air within 3 km of the plant was 100-600 colony-forming units per 1 m3. With distance from the city the number of bacterial cells in the air fell to 8-40 CFU/m3, which indicates the bacteriological purity of air in forest ecosystems. Gram-negative bacteria dominated in air near the plant, gram-pozitive prevailed in the air of remote sites in forest ecosystems. With distance from the plant in the air reduced the number of bacteria and increases the number of fungi. The fungi g. Penicillium dominated in the air. Near the industrial center in the air were found potentially pathogenic fungi Gongronella butleri and Altemaria alternate. Keywords: microorganisms, air, potentially pathogenic fungi, pollution. 90