Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.

financing the technological reequipment of fish-processing subdivisions, the technical and scientific and technological developments in this field. Under these conditions, a transporting and marketing association had to be become a production-transporting-marketing association. Such a transformation of the transporting and marketing associations into the leading structural units of the BIA made it possible to eliminate the indicated drawbacks to a certain extent. However, we can indicate some reasons why this way of transformation cannot be considered to be the most expedient for the reorganization of the structure of management of the fish economy. First, the transporting and marketing associations have not yet worked out their exact organizational and production structure and the strategy of their development. A definite period of operation of a given production unit of the industry was necessary to resolve these problems. Second, being the leading subdivisions of the BIA, the transporting and marketing associations had also to perform the administrative functions in the basin, to manage other, lower, production subdivisions of the basin, turning into elements of the commanding and administrative structure of management. This, in turn, hindered its functioning as an independent economic unit and its cooperation with other economic subdivisions of the basin on an economically substantiated basis of equality, since the territorial production associations considered the transporting and marketing enterprises to be a higher organ of administration. The functioning of this system under the conditions prevailing in 1988-89 did not resolve the contradictions existing in the fish industry administration but even made them more pronounced. These are, first of all, contradictions between the enterprises that arise in the process of planning the distribution of fishing boats among the regions and fisheries, the distribution of the allocated quotas, the limits for ship repairs and material and technical supplies, the development of the social and production infrastructure in the basin. Neither was it an incentive for a complex social development of production teams. The economic situation in the fish industrial complex deteriorated. The investigation of the existing contradictions, the analysis of the acting mechanism of management and the structural economic analysis of the production medium revealed an objective necessity of reorganizing the administration of the fish industry. The main attention was paid to the horizontal, “associative” model of management. The solution of this problem had to be sought not in the framework of creating economic associations and syndicates in the basins, whose artificiality was obvious, but, first of all, in choosing the way of establishing specialized Chief Basin Administrations in the framework of the central apparatus of the Ministry or in establishing voluntary State basin fish industry associations. The reorganization of the basin fish industry complexes will take time. Different variants of reorganization of fish economy and its organizational and production structure will be suggested and elaborated, but it is clear even now that the aim we have set can only be achieved if all the work required is carried out on a basis of cost accounting relations between separate subdivisions of the basin fish industry complexes, on the one hand, and between the basin complex and the Center and other subdivisions of the industry, on the other. This work must be carried out with due account of the 4 6