Дерюгин, Константин Михайлович. Баренцево море по Кольскому меридиану, (33 градуса 30' в. д.) / проф. К. М. Дерюгин. – Москва ; Ленинград : Ленинградское отделение главной конторы «Известия ЦИК СССР и ВЦИК», 1924. – 102, [1] с., [1] отд. л. ил. : ил. – (Научно-технический отдел ВСНХ ; № 34. Труды Северной Научно-Промысловой Экспедиции ; вып. 19).

— 100 — tute the coast-line of the Barents Sea, transported there by ancient glaciers. This stony debris is to a higher or lower degree overlain either by fine­ g rained muddy argillaceous sands (in 71°N), or by fine-grained sandy clay (in 72°), usually containing a multitude of tubes of the polychaeta Spiochaetopterus, partly of Onuphis, Maldanidae, as well as Hyperam­ mina and Rhabdammina of rhizopods. InL some places (in 74UN and otherwhere), were encountered heaps of coarse nodules of ferruginous manganese concretions of biogenic origin and single fragments of Belem- nites (in 70°30'— 72°30'N). Of the animal benthonic population are as yet discovered over 370 forms (s. List thereof on pp. 63—74), some of which are novel for the fauna of the Barents Sea and some quite new, as for instance, a sponge, Trichasterina bispiculigastra R e s w o y n. sp., a hydroid, Corymorpha derjugini R y l o w n. sp., mollusks, Bela sub­ arctica D e r j u g . n. sp., Coryphella barentsi D e r j u g . n. sp., a polychaet, Myriochele oculata Z a c h s n. sp. Full lack of highly arctic forms, as Yoldia arctica and others, is very characteristic of the meridian of Kola. The warm currents bring over to the meridian of Kola some boreal forms, as an alcyonarian, Clavularia arctica, a corallian polyp, Virgularia mi- rabilis, a starfish, Psilaster andromeda, an irregular Sea-urchin, Schizaster fragilis, a mollusk, Poromya granulata and several others. As to arctic forms, we may mention the penetration southward as far as 70'30'N of Mesidothea sabini (especially in cold regions in 72r and 74 N). Thus, in the benthonic population are prevailing temperate arctic, boreo-arctic, sub-arctic, and partly boreal forms. The author considers such a fauna characteristic of the sub-arctic region established by him (K. D e r j u g i n , 1915), of which the boundaries are shown on the chart on p. 97. Beyond these borders in the Barents Sea some highly arctic forms are dwelling, as Yoldia arctica, Sclerocrangon ferox, Acanthostepheia malmgreni, Ophiura nodosa, Aspidophoroides olricki. The limits of the sub-arctic region in the Barents Sea are very near to the mean border of floating ice for the period 1898— 1913, according to maps of the Danish Meteorological Institute. In consequence of his explorations, the author proposes to modify the route of cruises in such way, that the ship might run up the meridian of Kola as far as 76’ and down on the 37°E, in order to secure a more eastward hydrological section, where warm and cold currents ought to be more strongly marked, and obtain a locked rectangle for estimations of the dynam ic tension of water masses. The author proposes a method of estimating the loss in heat by water masses on the meridian of Kola by means of confronting the homotherms of the b eg inn ing of December with those of the middle of March, and he sug ­ gests, tha t periodical variations in the thermics of the Barents Sea produce a strong effect on the climatic regime of Northern Europe, which is confirmed by the evidence of the last three years.