Дерюгин, Константин Михайлович. Баренцево море по Кольскому меридиану, (33 градуса 30' в. д.) / проф. К. М. Дерюгин. – Москва ; Ленинград : Ленинградское отделение главной конторы «Известия ЦИК СССР и ВЦИК», 1924. – 102, [1] с., [1] отд. л. ил. : ил. – (Научно-технический отдел ВСНХ ; № 34. Труды Северной Научно-Промысловой Экспедиции ; вып. 19).

The Barents Sea on the meridianof Kola (33°38 0), By Prof. К. M. Derjugin. A b s t r a c t . The present work is a result of an exhaustive exploration of the Barents Sea carried on during the years 1921 — 23, particularly rich mate­ rials having been secured during cruises in May and August of 1921, organized by the Northern Scientific and Economic Expedition of the Supreme Council of Public Economy conjointly with the Murman B iolo­ gical Station. Subsequent hydrological sections on the meridian of Kola, according to the programm of the International Permanent Council for Exploration of Seas, have been and are being executed by the.Murman Biological Station. In Chapt. I the author describes the general course of explorations in 1921. Chapts. II and III contain respectively hydrological and biological evidence secured during the cruises in May and August of 1921. Chapt. IV presents a study of hydrologic materials, while earlier data, as well as the results of cruises on the meridian of Kola in 1922 and 1923 are given for comparison. In 1920 and the beginning of 1921 the Barents Sea exhibited an exceedingly high tension in the activity of warm Atlantic currents, which at all the levels on the meridian of Kola exceeded the standard by nearly 2°. In spring of 1921 were discovered in the Kola bay warm waters Radiolaria, Collozoum, never before known from these localities. However, yet in August 1921 the author encoun­ tered in 74° 30'N a very cold wegde with bottom temperature — 1,18 which predicted a decay of the western warm currents. Subsequent cruises on the meridian of Kola confirmed these conjectures, and the cooling process in the Barents Sea continues up to day, the water, tempe ­ rature on the meridian of Kola in November 1922 being by more than 1° higher than that in 1923. The author gives new evidence to prove that besides the annual oscillations of t°, there exist periodic variations in the stress of the warm Atlantic currents which, apparently, perform a cycle of about 8 — 9 years, in other words, for four years a process of cooling is go ing on, and for about the same period that of warming. The author is also considering other hydrological elements — distribution of salinity and oxygen, degree of transparency of water and properties of the ground. The depths were measured on the meridian of Kola between 69’30' and 75'N, every 10'. All the floor of the Barents Sea is covered with debris of desintegrated primitive rocks which consti