Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН №3, 2020 г.
Происхождение гольцовых пустынь Европейской Арктики: обзор теорий ВЕСТНИК Кольского научного центра РАН 4/2020 (12) 21 Dahl E. Biogeographic and geologic indications of unglaciated areas in Scandinavia during the glacial ag- es // Bulletin of the Geological Society American. 1955. Vol. 66. P. 1499–1519. Dahl E. Plant migrations across the North Atlantic Ocean and their importance for the paleogeography of the region / North Atlantic Biota and their History (A. Löve and D. Löve, eds.). Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963. P.173–188. Dahl E. The Phytogeography of Northern Europe (British Isles, Fennoscandia and adjacent areas). Cam- bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998. 297 р. Dahl-Jensen D., Mosegaard K., Gundestrup N., Clow G. D., Johnsen S. J., A. Hansen W. and Balling N. Past temperatures directly from the Greenland ice sheet // Science. 1998. No. 282. P. 268–271. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237131406_Past_temperature_directly_from_the_Greenland_ic e_sheet (дата обращения: 11.11.2020). Derda G. S., Wyatt R. Levels of genetic variation and its partitioning in the wide-ranging moss Polytrichum commune // Syst. Bot. 1999. Vol. 24, no. 4. P.512–528. Elina G. A., Lukashov A. D., Yurkovskaya T. K. Late Glacial and Holocene Palaeovegetation and Palaeo- geography of Eastern Fennoscandia. The Finnish Environmental Institute, Helsinki, 2010. 304 p. Elven R. The Omnsbreen glacier nunataks –– a case study of plant immigration // Nordic Journ. Bot. 1980. No. 27. P. 1–16. Ganapolski A., Rahmstorf S., Petoukhov V. and Claussen M. Simulation of modern and glacial climates with a coupled global model of intermediate complexity // Science. 1998. No. 391. P. 351–356. URL: http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~stefan/Publications/Nature/ganopolski98.pdf (дата обращения: 11.11.2020). Golovneva L. Early Palaeogene floras of Spitsbergen and North Atlantic floristic exchange // Acta Uni- versity of Carolina, Geology. 2000. Vol. 44. P. 39–50. Griggs R. F. The edge of the forest in Alaska and the reasons for its position // Ecology. 1934. Vol. 15. P. 80–96. Hagen A. R., Giese H., Brochmann C. Trans-Atlantic dispersal and phylogeography of Cerastium arcti- cum (Caryophyllaceae) inferred from RAPD and SCAR markers // Am. Journ. Botany. 2001. Vol. 88. No. 1. P.103–112. Haraldsen K. B., Ødegaard M., Nordal I. Variation in the amphi-Atlantic plant Vahlodea atropurpurea (Poaceae) // Journ. Biogeogr. 1991. Vol. 18. P. 311–320. https://doi.org/10.2307/2845401 Haraldsen K. B., Wesenberg J. Population genetic analyses of an amphi-Atlantic species — Lychnisal- pina ( Caryophyllaceae ) // Nordic Journ. Bot. 1993. Vol. 13. P. 377–387. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1756- 1051.1993.tb00066.x Hultén E. Outline of the history of Arctic and boreal biota during the Quaternary period their evolution during and after the glacial period as indicated by the equiformal progressive areas of present plant species. Stockholm, 1937. 168 p. Iversen J. The Late-Glacial flora of Denmark and its relation to climate and soil // Danmarks Geol. Un- ders. II. 1954. No. 80. P. 87–119. Johansen S., Hytteborn H. A contribution to the discussion of biota dispersal with drift ice and drift- wood in the North Atlantic // Journ. Biogeogr. 2001. Vol. 28. P. 105–115. http://doi: 10.1046/j.1365- 2699.2001.00532.x Koch L. Contributions to the glaciology of North Greenland // Medd. om Grønland. 1928. Bd. 65. No. 2. S. 180–464. Kvaček Z. Forest flora and vegetation of the European early Palaeogene –– a review // Bulletin of Geo- sciences. 2010. Vol. 85. P. 63–76. http://doi:10.3140/bull.geosci.1146 Kullman L. Early Holocene tree growth at a high elevation site in Northernmost Scandes of Sweden (Lapland): a palaeogeographical case study based on megafossil evidence // Geografiska Annaler. 1999. 81A, 63-74. Kullman, L. Tree-limit landscape evolution at the Southern fringe of the Swedish Scandes (Dalana prov- ince) – Holocene and 20th century perspectives // Fennia. 2004 a. Vol. 182. P. 73–94.
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