Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН № 2, 2020 г.

CONTENTS POPULAR SCIENCE ARTICLES Makarov D. V., Borovichev E. A., Klyuchnikova E. M., Masloboev V. A., Petrov V. N. Environmental protection and sustainable development of the mining complex of the Murmansk Region........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Likhachev V. A. Rock formations with petroglyphs on the Kanozero Islands: history and prospects of study......................... 15 Groshev N. Yu. A genetic approach in exploration of platinum-palladium deposits on the Kola Peninsula............................ 29 Bergman E. A. Books from the personal book collection of academician A. E. Fersman in the funds of the scientific library of the Federal Research Centre «Komi Science Centre, Ural branch, Russian Academy of Sciences».............................................................................................................................................. 36 Ilyin G. S. Significant anniversaries in the history of study of Khibiny Mountains in 2020.................................................. 45 Borovichev E. A., Koroleva N. E. About plant common and scientific names in Khibiny Mountains (Murmansk Region)................................... 51 ANNIVERSARIES AND SIGNIFICANT DATES Shabalina O. V. "... I am a museum worker; I have developed this calling in myself" (to the anniversary of Evgeniya Yakovlevna Patziya).................................................................................................... 58 LIFE OF KOLA SCIENCE CENTER, INTERVIEWWITH SCIENTISTS Bodrova O. A., Stogova Y. A. Annals of the Kola Science Center. Year 2012................................................................................................................. 69 Chernova N. Yu. University - for a person and a city..................................................................................................................................... 79 Chernova N. Yu. How are you, northerners? About the publication of the monograph "Dynamics of the social development of the territories of the Russian Arctic in public evaluations: Murmansk Region"................. 84 IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED In memory of Vasily Vasilievich Kolka (4.10.1957—23.04.2020)............................................................................. 88 BOOKS ISSUED BY THE SCIENTISTS OF THE FRC KSC RAS IN 2019..................................................................................... 91 4 http://www.naukaprint.ru/zhurnaly/vestmk/