Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН № 2, 2020 г.

Генетический подход к поискам платино-палладиевых месторождений на Кольском полуострове Литература Barnes S.-J. et al. Nickel-copper occurrences in the Belleterre-Angliers belt of the Pontiac Subprovince and the use of Cu-Pd ratios in interpreting platinum-group element distributions // Econ. Geol. 1993. Vol. 88, № 6. P. 1402-1418. Groshev N. Y. et al. Low-Sulfide Platinum-Palladium Deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Fedorova- Pana Layered Complex, Kola Region, Russia // Minerals. 2019a. Vol. 9, № 12. P. 764. Groshev N. Y., Ivanov A. N., Huber M. PGE reefs of the West-Pana layered intrusion, Kola Region, Russia: plagioclase composition as an indicator of the economic potential // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019b. Vol. 302, № 1. P. 12041. Maier W. D., Barnes S.-J. Platinum-group elements in silicate rocks of the lower, critical and main zones at Union Section, western Bushveld Complex // J. Petrol. 1999. Vol. 40, № 11. P. 1647-1671. Schissel D. et al. Basal Platinum-Group Element Mineralization in the Federov Pansky Layered Mafic Intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia // Econ. Geol. 2002. Vol. 97, № 8. P. 1657-1677. Wager L. R., Brown G. M. Layered igneous rocks. Edinburgh; London: Oliver and Boyd, 1968. P. 588. Wall C. J. et al. The Stillwater Complex: Integrating Zircon Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Age, Emplacement History and Crystallization of a Large, Open-System Layered Intrusion // J. Petrol. 2018. Vol. 59, № 1. P. 153-190. Zeh A. et al. The Bushveld Complex was emplaced and cooled in less than one million years — results of zirconology, and geotectonic implications // Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. Elsevier B. V. 2015. Vol. 418. P. 103-114. ВЕСТНИК Кольского научного центра РАН 2/2020 (12) 35