Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН № 2, 2019 г.

DO I: 10.25702/KSC.2307-5228.2019.11.2.61-68 УДК 622.273+622.831 ПОВЫШ ЕНИЕ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ КАМ ЕРНО -СТОЛБОВОЙ СИСТЕМЫ РА ЗРАБОТКИ НА РУДНИКЕ КАРНАСУРТ И П Е РСП ЕКТИВЫ ЕГО РАЗВИТИЯ* А. В. М аты цы н1, А. В. Ловчиков2,А. Н. Любин2, А. А. Королев 1 1ООО «Ловозерский ГОК», Ревда 2Горный институт КНЦ РАН, Апатиты Аннотация Описаны горно-геологические и геомеханические условия разработки Ловозерского месторождения, которое является склонным и опасным по горным ударам. Рассмотрены технические решения, обеспечивающие безопасную эксплуатацию конструктивных элементов камерно-столбовой системы разработки. Приведены перспективы развития рудника Карнасурт. Ключевые слова: редкометалльное месторождение, рудные залежи, тектонические напряжения, рудник, целик, горные удары, устойчивый пролет, самоходное оборудование. SAFETY IMPROVEMENT OF ROOM-AND-PILLAR MINING AT KARNASURT MINE AND IT’S DEVOLOPMENT PROSPECTS Andrew V. Matytsyn1, Aleksandr V. Lovchikov2, Aleksandr N. Lyubin2, Anatoliy A. Korolev 1 1Lovozersky GOK JSC 2Mining Institute of FRC KSC RAS, Apatity Abstract The degree of development of explored mineral resources of rare-earth elements in Russia is relatively low. At the same time, domestic needs for rare metals in our country remain relevant and even tend to increase. The only producer of loparite concentrate — mineral raw materials of rare metals (rare-earth metals, niobium, and tantalum) in Russia is Lovozersky GOK JSC. Loparite ores are mined by the Karnasurt underground mine at the Karnasurt and Kedykvyrpakhk parts using a room-and-pillar method in rockburst-prone and rockburst-hazardous conditions of the Lovozero deposit, represented by thin flat ore deposits. In order to eliminate the danger of rockbursts in the main haulage excavations of the Karnasurt mine, it was recommended to create relief slots in the walls of the entry pillars to a depth of 2 m. Due to them, the concentration of gravitational-tectonic stresses is transferred from the contour of drifts deep into the pillars, and as a result the danger of rockbursts in the excavations is eliminated. The maintenance of the direct roof in the stoping blocks is carried out by compliant intra-block pillars by creating relief slots in them. To substantiate a steady span between them, a technique was developed that takes into account the effect of horizontal tectonic forces on the grid parameters of intra-block pillars. Technical solutions for the selective extraction of balance reserves in the faces of stoping excavations are also considered. In the scale of industrial development, mining excavations are driven using a complex of self-propelled equipment. On the basis of the technical solutions developed and applied at the present time, the prospects of Lovozersky GOK JSC development are considered, including two stages of loparite ore mining at the Karnasurt and Kedykvyrpakhk sites. At the first stage, the mine’s annual output is expected to increase to 500 thousand tons by 2026. At the second stage, in the period from 2027 to 2035, an increase in annual output to 550 thousand tons will be achieved. Keywords: rare-metal deposit, ore bodies, tectonic stresses, underground mine, pillar, rockbursts, steady span, self-propelled equipment. *Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 18-05-00563а. ВЕСТНИК Кольского научного центра РАН 2/2019 (11) 61