Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2017, №3.

БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ УДК 581.526.426.2(470.21) СОСТАВ, СТРУКТУРА И СОСТОЯНИЕ ЛЕСОВ В СРЕДНЕМ ТЕЧЕНИИ РЕКИ УМБА (МУРМАНСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ) Н. Е. Королёва1, Л. Г. Исаева2, Е. А. Боровичёв2,3 1ФБГУНПолярно-альпийский ботанический сад-институт им. Н. А. Аврорина КНЦ РАН 2ФБГУН Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера КНЦ РАН 3ФБГУН Институт леса Карельского научного центра РАН Аннотация Приведены результаты геоботанического и лесопатологического обследования территории на левом берегу р. Умба в среднем течении, а также таблица геоботанических описаний ельника кустарничкового сфагново-зеленомошного и сосняка брусничного лишайниково- зеленомошного, приручьевого ивняка и верхового болота. Оценено видовое богатство и состояние популяций видов из Красной книги Мурманской области и Красной книги РФ. Дана оценка состояния лесного участка и обзор основных факторов поражения подроста. Ключевые слова: сосновые леса, верховые болота, лесопатологическое обследование, река Умба, Мурманская обл. COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE AND STATE OF THE FORESTS IN THE MIDDLE FLOW OF UMBA RIVER (MURMANSK PROVINCE) 1 2 2 3 Natalia E. Koroleva , Lyudm ila G. Isaeva , Eugene A. Bo rovichev ' 1N. A. Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the KSC of the RAS 2Institute of Industrial North Ecology Problems of the KSC of the RAS 3Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre of the RAS Abstract The article presents geobotanical and phytopathological survey of the territory on the left bank of the Umba river in the middle flow, with the table of geobotanical descriptions of pine forest and bog complex. Pine forests prevail in the investigated area on the washed moraine alluvial sands and belong to the association Cladonio arbusculae — Pinetum sylvestris (Cajander 1921) K.-Lund 1967. Zonal vegetation is presented by spruce forest with dwarf shrubs, sphagnum and green mosses in ground layer, аss. Empetro — Piceetum obovatae (Sambuk 1921) Morozova 2008. Intrazonal types include willow shrubs near springs (ass. Vaccinio uliginosi — Betuletum pubescentis Libbert 1933) and raised bog complexes, with some pine trees, which include oligotrophic sedge-cotton grass fen (ass. Calliergo sarmentosi — Eriophoretum angustifolii Nordh. 1928) and dwarf shrubs-sphagnum hummocks (ass. Empetro — Sphagnetum fusci (Du Rietz (1921) 1926) Dierssen 1982). Both zonal and intrazonal types are characterized by typical species composition and structure. Species number on sampling plot was minimal on oligotrophic fen (5 species), the largest diversity was on willow scrubs near spring (37 species) and on the raised bog (32 species). The average number of species was in the pine forest (21-22 species on the sampling plot). There were found three species from the Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, one species of them was included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the state of coenopopulations of these species in the studied community is sufficiently well. Phytopathological survey of the pine forest in the study area revealed that state of the forest was weakened and stable, the number of viable undergrowth was inadequate for natural regeneration of the forest, because of the damage of the pine undergrowth by needle diseases. Among the undergrowth damaging factors predominate the following: fungal diseases, including Spruce needle rust, Chrysomyxa abietis (Wallr.) Ung. — 45 %, damage from insect Evetria resinella L. — 8 %, White snow blight, Phacidium infestans Karst. — 5 %, pine canker — 5 % and growth suppression. Keywords: pine forests, raised bogs, phytopathological investigation, Umba River, Murmansk Province. http://www.kolasc.net.ru/russian/news/vestnik1.html 119