Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №3.
CONTENTS Severo-Vostoka Rossii. Mlekopitayushchie / N.M. Polezhaev, V.A. Potelov, A.N. Petrov, A.N. Pystin, N.D. Nejfel'd, S.M. Sokol'skij, B.N. Tyurnin. 1998. T. 2, ch. 2. S. 7-32; 190-242. 14. Svetocheva O.N. Harakteristika pitaniya kol'chatoj nerpy (Pusahispida) v Belom more: avtoref. dis. ... kand. biol. nauk. Petrozavodsk, 2005. 20 s. 15. Potelov V.A. Pitanie morskogo zajca // Materialy rybohoz. issled. Vyp. 18. Murmansk, 1971. S. 107-121. 16. Svetocheva O.N., Svetochev V.N. Nerpa Belogo morya: chislennost', raspredelenie, pitanie. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2010b. 241 s. 17. Food habits of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica ) during lactation and moult in March-May in the Southern Barents Sea and White Sea / K.T. Nilssen, T. Haug, V.A. Potelov, V.A. Stasenkov, Y. Timoshenko // ICES J. mar. Sci. 1995. Vol. 52. P. 33-41. 18. Svetocheva O.N. Osobennosti pitaniya nerpy (Pusa hispida) ryboj v Belom more // Morskie mlekopitayushchie Golarktiki: sb. nauch. tr. M., 2004. S. 498-504. 19. Svetocheva O.N. O pitanii nerpy kolyushkami (Gasterosteidae) v Belom more // Morskie mlekopitayushchie Golarktiki: sb. nauch. tr. po materialam 7-j mezhdunar. konf. (Suzdal', 24-28 sent. 2012 g.). M., 2012. T. 2. S. 218-222. 20. Svetocheva O.N., Svetochev V.N. Osobennosti zimnego pitaniya nerpy (Pusahispida) v Belom more // Morskie mlekopitayushchie Golarktiki: sb. nauch. tr. po materialam 6-j mezhdunar. konf. (Kaliningrad, 11-15 okt. 2010 g.). Kaliningrad: Kapros, 2010. S. 507-510. 21. Lukin L.R., Ognetov G.N. Morskie mlekopitayushchie Rossijskoj Arktiki. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2009. 202 s. 22. Svetocheva O.N. Pitanie morskogo zajca (Erignathus barbatus) v Belom more // II Vserossijskaya konferenciya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem "Problemy izucheniya i ohrany zhivotnogo mira na Severe" (Syktyvkar, 8-12 apr. 2013 g.). Syktyvkar, 2013. S. 181-183. 23. Svetochev V.N. Pitanie molodyh grenlandskih tyulenej (Phoca groenlandica) vesnoj v Grenlandskom more // Morskie mlekopitayushchie Golarktiki: sb. nauch. tr. po materialam 6-j mezhdunar. konf. (Kaliningrad, 11-15 okt. 2010 g.). Kaliningrad: Kapros, 2010. S. 511-513. 24. Svetochev V.N., Svetocheva O.N. Ehkologiya pitaniya grenlandskogo tyulenya vesnoj v Belom more // Doklady RAN. 2009. T. 429, № 4. S. 571-573. 25. Chuchukalo V.I. Pitanie i pishchevye otnosheniya nektona i nektobentosa v dal'nevostochnyh moryah: avtoref. dis. ... dokt. biol. nauk. Vladivostok: TINRO, 2006. 159 s. 26. Svetocheva O.N., Svetochev V.N. Biologicheskij monitoring nerpy (Pusa hispida) v zapadnos sektore Rossijskoj Arktiki i ego osnovnye parametry // Izuchenie i osvoenie morskih i nazemnyh ehkosistem v usloviyah arkticheskogo i aridnogo klimata: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Rostov-na-Donu, 6-11 iyunya 2011 g.). Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo YUNC RAN, 2011. S. 334-337. I.V. Blinova BASE-RICH FENS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF MURMANSK REGION AND THE CASE FOR THEIR PROTECTION The northernmost in Russia base-rich fens were first described in 2014 for the central part of Murmansk Region along with a geological survey of this province. In the present paper, two other base- rich fens from the southern part of the region (the coast of Kandalaksha and an island in the White Sea) are described. 15 rare vascular plant species were found on these sites. Both mires are in the territory of “Kandalaksha Bay” considered to be of national importance (N 110) in the Ramsar list. One of the mires is in the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve, on Ryazhkov Island. The second mire is on the border of the Ramsar site, at the foot of the mountain Malaya Kurtyazhnaya. It needs to be urgently included in the regional list of protected areas because of the summer houses being constructed between the Kandalaksha town and Luvenga village. Keywords: base-rich fens, rare plant species, Ramsar Convention, Murmansk Region. Author Ilona V. Blinova - Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Head of Lab. PABGI; e-mail: ilbli@yahoo.com LITERATURA 1. Blinova I.V., Petrovskij M.K. K harakteristike minerotrofnyh travyanyh bolot v central'noj chasti Murmanskoj oblasti i o neobhodimosti ih ohrany // Vestnik KNC RAN. 2014. Vyp. 18 (3). S. 38-55. 2. Blinova I.V. Biologiya orhidnyh na severo-vostoke Fennoskandii i strategii ih vyzhivaniya na severnoj granice rasprostraneniya: dis. ... dokt. biol. nauk. Rukopis'. M., 2009. 552 s. 3. Blinova I., Uotila P. Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Orchidaceae) in Murmansk Region (Russia) // Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica. 2012. Vol. 88. P. 67-79. 4. Blinova I., Uotila P. Schoenus ferrugineus (Cyperaceae) in Murmansk Region (Russia) // Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica. 2013. Vol. 89. P. 65-74. 5. Geologiya SSSR. 152 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o fSciences 3/2015(22)
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