Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №3.

■ CONTENTS N.O. Sorokhtin, L.I. Lobkovsky, N.E. Kozlov, I.V. Chikiryov, S.L. Nikiforov EVOLUTION OF THE ARCTIC BASIN AND THE DIAMONDIFEROUS POTENTIAL OF THE NORTHERN PART OF THE EAST EUROPEAN PLATFORM The article is devoted to the study of processes of polyphasic development of structural-substantial complexes of different age continental lithospheric plates in the Western part of the Russian Arctic. Spatio- temporal regularities in the processes of increment addition and transformation of the continental lithosphere of the region are described. It is shown that Caledon-Hercynian stages of tectonism contributed to the formation of the systems of abyssal faults of the lithosphere, in the crossing points of which large quantities of igneous melts penetrated. Their ore specialization led to the formation of a number of first-rate mineral deposits on the Baltic shield and adjacent areas. The destruction and transportation of the useful components of some of them allows us to consider the White Sea as the natural reservoir accumulating placer deposits. Keywords: Geodynamics, Arctic, diamondiferous potential, alkali ultramafic and kimberlite magmatism, mineral resources. Authors Nikolay O. Sorokhtin - Dr. Sci. (Geol.), major scientific researcher of OI RAS named after P.P. Shirshov, leading scientific researcher of GI KSC RAS, Professor of the Apatity Branch of MSTU; e-mail: nsorokhtin@mail.ru Leopold I. Lobkovsky - Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), corresponding member of RAS, vice director of OI RAS named after P.P. Shirshov; e-mail: llobkovsky@ocean.ru Nkolay E. Kozlov - Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Head of Laboratory of GI KSC RAS, Director of the Apatity Branch of MSTU; e-mail: kozlovne@afmgtu.apatity.ru Igor V. Chikiryov - PhD (Geol.), Assistant Professor of the Apatity Branch of MSTU, scientific researcher of GI KSC RAS; e-mail: chikiryeviv@afmgtu.apatity.ru Sergey L. Nikiforov - Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Head of Laboratory of OI RAS named after P.P. Shirshov; e-mail: nikiforov@ocean.ru LITERATURA 1. Hain V.E. Tektonika kontinentov i okeanov (god 2000). M.: Nauchnyj mir, 2001. 606 s. 2. Negruca V.Z., Basalaev A.A., Chikiryov I.V. Barencevomorskij fosforitovyj bassejn. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1993. 119 s. 3. Sorohtin O.G., Ushakov S.A. Global'naya ehvolyuciya Zemli. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1991. 446 s. 4. Sorokhtin O.G., Chilingarian G.V., Sorokhtin N.O. Evolution of Earth and its climate // Elsevier Science. Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2011. Vol. 10. 763 p. 5. Sorohtin O.G., Cilingar Dzh.V., Sorohtin N.O. Teoriya razvitiya Zemli (proiskhozhdenie, ehvolyuciya i tragicheskoe budushchee). M.;Izhevsk: Izd-vo “Institut komp'yuternyh issledovanij”, 2010. 751 s. 6. Early stages of evolution of the arctic margins (NeoproterozoicPaleozoic) and plate reconstructions / V.A. Vernikovsky i dr. 2011. Origins of Northeastern Russia: Paleomagnetism, Geology, and Tectonics. ICAM-VI. Abstracts, Fairbanks, Alaska, CD. 7. Vernikovsky V.A., Vernikovskaya A.E. 2001. Central Taimyr accretionary belt (Arctic Asia): Meso- Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution and Rodinia breakup. Prec. Res., 110, 127-141. 8. Chumakov N.M. Dokembrijskie tillity i tilloidy (problema dokembrijskih oledenenij) // Tr. GIN AN SSSR. 1978. Vyp. 308. 202 s. 9. Raaben M.E., Lubtsov V.V., Predovsky A.A. Correlation of stromatolitic formations of northern Norway (Finnmark) and northwestern Russia (Kildin Island and Kanin Peninsula). Nor. Geol. Unders. Spesial Publ. Trondheim. 1995. R. 233-246. 10. Milanovskij E.E. Geologiya Rossii i blizhnego zarubezh'ya (Severnoj Evrazii). M.: MGU, 1996. 448 s. 11. Rifejskaya neft' poluostrova Rybachij: mif ili klyuch k principial'no novomu napravleniyu neftegazopoiskovyh rabot na shel'fe Barenceva morya? / A.P. Simonov i dr. // Vestnik MGTU. 1998. T. 1, № 2. S. 121-140. 12. Sejsmogeologicheskaya model' litosfery Severnoj Evropy: Laplandsko-Pechengskij rajon / otv. red. N.V. Sharov. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1997. 225 s. 13. Regional'no- zonal'nye sejsmorazvedochnye raboty MOV-OGT na p-ove Rybachij v komplekse s vysokotochnoj gravimetriej s cel'yu izucheniya geologicheskogo stroeniya i perspektiv neftegazonosnosti rifejskih otlozhenij / N.G. Zamozhnyaya i dr. M., 2001. Fondy Murmangeolkoma, Apatity. 14. Chikiryov I.V. Verhnedokembrijskie fosforitsoderzhashchie otlozheniya Kol'skogo poluostrova: avtoref. ... kand. geol.-min. nauk. M.: MGU, 1995, 18 s. 15. Geologiya i potencial'naya neftegazonosnost' p-ova Rybachij (Kol'skij poluostrov). Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanyh i gazovyh mestorozhdenij / N.O. Sorohtin i dr. 2011. № 5. S. 14-19. 16. Vasserman B.Ya. Razvedannost' resursov uglevodorodov Timano-Pechorskoj 140 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o fSciences 3/2015(22)