Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №3.

NATURAL AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES N.O. Sorokhtin, Evolution of the Arctic Basin and the Diamond Potential of the Northern L.I. Lobkovsky, Part of the East European Platform.............................................................. 3 N.E. Kozlov, I.V. Chikiryov, S.L. Nikiforov V.T. Kozachenko, Gabbroids from Sergeyevsky and Kalinowski Complexes of Sikhote- S.N. Lavrik, Alin: Geochemistry and Isotope Ratios for Samara, Neodymium, E.V. Perevoznikova, Strontium and Lead......................................................................................... 21 N.V. Skosareva N.N. Melnikov, Application of Built-in Freezing Systems to Provide Thermal Safety P.V. Amosov, in Underground Low-Power Nuclear Plant (Based on Numerical N.V. Novozhilova, Modeling).......................................................................................................... 40 S.G. Klimin A.I. Kalashnik, Georadar Research of the Geological and Structural Composition A.Yu. D’yakov of the Working Ledge of the Pit Aimed at Optimization of Parameters for DBW Carrying o u t................................................................................... 48 A.G. Kasikov ICTREMRM KSC RAS: Research and Development in Chemistry and Technology of Cobalt....................................................... 54 V.B. Belakhovsky, Determination of the Latitude Profile for the Resonance Frequency of A.E. Kozlovsky, the Pc5 Pulsations by EISCAT Radar Data................................................ 64 V.A. Pilipenko V.G. Dvoretsky Winter Features of Zooplankton Distribution in the Pechora Sea.............. 73 V.N. Petrov Features of Influence of Oxygen’ Partial Density Gradient in the Air on the Health Status of Population Living in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation............................................ 82 V.N. Svetochev, Diet and Trophic Relationships of Seals in the White S ea ....................... 93 O.N. Svetocheva I.V. Blinova Base-Rich Fens in the Southern Part of Murmansk Region and the Case for Their Protection............................................................... 102 N.A. Serova, Economy and Prospects of the Murmansk Region in Conditions of T.P. Skuf’ina Introduction of Anti-Russian Sanctions....................................................... 115 CHRONICLE...................................................................................................... 120 CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS.............................................................. ....121 NEW BOOKS ................................................................................................ ... 127 ANNIVERSARIES........................................................................................ ....129 AD MEMORIAM............................................................................................. ...134 CONTENTS........................................................................................................138 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 3/2015(22) 139