Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №2.
CONTENTS Author Obluchinskaya Yekaterina Dmitrievna - Ph.D. (Pharmacology), Leading Scientific Researcher, Algology Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: obluchinskaya@mmbi.info LITERATURA 1. Obluchinskaya E.D. Tekhnologii lekarstvennyh i lechebno-profilakticheskih sredstv iz buryh vodoroslej / red. G.G. Matishov) // Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2005. 164 s. 2. Obluchinskaya E.D. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie buryh vodoroslej Barenceva morya // Prikladnaya biohimiya i mikrobiologiya. 2008. T. 44, № 3. S. 377-342. 3. Klinduh M.P., Obluchinskaya E.D. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie himicheskogo sostava buryh vodoroslej Fucus vesiculosus i Ascophyllum nodosum // Vestnik MGTU. 2013. T. 16, № 3. S. 466-471. 4. Obluchinskaya E.D. Physical and chemical properties, anticoagulamt and antioxidant activity of Fucus Dry Extract // Obzory po klinicheskoj farmakologii i lekarstvennoj terapii. 2012. T. 10, № 2. S. 85M. 5. Obluchinskaya E.D. Suhoj ehkstrakt fukusa, sposob ego polucheniya i antikoagulyantnaya maz' na ego osnove. Patent RF № 2506089 // Byulleten' Izobretenij. 10.02.2014. № 4. 6. Obluchinskaya E.D. Optimizaciya sostava i tekhnologii kapsul, soderzhashchih suhoj ehkstrakt fukusa // Him.-farm. zhurn. 2009. T. 43, № 6. S. 22-26. 7. Obluchinskaya E.D. Sposob kompleksnoj pererabotki fukusovyh vodoroslej (varianty). Patent RF № 2337571 // Byulleten' Izobretenij. № 31, 10.11.2008. 8. Hotimchenko S.V. Lipidy morskih vodoroslej-makrofitov i trav: struktura, raspredelenie, analiz. Vladivostok: Dal'nauka, 2003. 234 s. 9. Obluchinskaya E.D. Vliyanie faktorov vneshnej sredy na soderzhanie polisaharidov fukusa puzyrchatogo Fucus vesiculosus L. // Himiya rast. syr'ya. 2011. № 3. S. 47-51. 10. Klinduh M.P., Obluchinskaya E.D., Matishov G.G. Sezonnye izmeneniya soderzhaniya mannita i prolina v buroj vodorosli Fucus vesiculosus (L.) Murmanskogo poberezh'ya Barenceva morya // Dokl. RAN. 2011. T. 441, № 1. S. 1-4. G.V. Ilyin, I.S. Usyagina, N.E. Kasatkina GEOECOLOGICAL STATE OF SEAS ENVIRONMENT IN THE RUSSIAN ARCTIC UNDER THE PRESENT TECHNOGENIC STRESSES The level of environmental pollution in the Russian sector of the Arctic seas under modern technogenetics stresses was researched. The Arctic seas remain relatively little polluted. Development of economic activities in aquatory and catchment basin determines loci of the pollution impact sited in the seas areas and environmental risks associated with them. River flows are the most significant for the Kara and Laptev Seas, while sea currents play the main role in contaminants transport in the Barents Sea. A decrease in radioactive contamination of the marine environment over the period of the uncontrolled emission in the 1960’s is mentioned. The present level of radioisotope activity reflects the amount of global fallout of 137Cs and 90Sr in sea areas and watersheds by transoceanic transport from the North Atlantic. Keywords: transboundary transport, petroleum products, pesticides, radionuclides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, paraffins, heavy metals, bottom sediments, river flow. Authors Ilyin Gennady Vasilievich - Ph.D. (Geography), Head of the Oceanography and Radioecology Laboratory; MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: ilyin@mmbi.info Usyagina Irina Sergeevna - Ph.D. (Geography), Senior Scientific Researcher, Oceanography and Radioecology Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: usjagina@mmbi.info Kasatkina Nadezhda Yevgenievna - Ph.D. (Chemistry), Academic Secretary, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: kasatkina@mmbi.info LITERATURA 1. Il'in G.V., Golubeva N.I. Antropogennye nagruzki i riski himicheskogo zagryazneniya morskoj sredy v Arktike // Morskie ehkosistemy i soobshchestva v usloviyah sovremennyh klimaticheskih izmenenij. SPb.: Renome, 2014. S. 50-76. 2. Mnogoletnyaya dinamika radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya Barencevo-Karskogo regiona (1960-2013 gg.) / G.G. Matishov, D.G. Matishov, I.S. Usyagina, N.E. Kasatkina // Dokl. RAN. 2014. T. 458, № 4. S. 473-479. 3. Usyagina I.S. Raspredelenie i puti migracij iskusstvennyh radionuklidov v ehkosisteme Barenceva morya: avtoref. diss. ... geogr. nauk, special'nost' 25.00.28. Murmansk, 22 s. 4. Il'in G.V. Rasprostranenie zagryaznyayushchih veshchestv v shel'fovyh moryah Rossijskoj Arktiki // 146 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 2/2015(21)
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