Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №2.
CONTENTS biotekhnicheskie sistemy. Sevastopol', 2002. Vyp. 2. S. 173-181. 18. Kliniko-gematologicheskij i biohimicheskij status korov pri gestoze / A.G. Nezhdanov, M.I. Reckij, Yu.N. Alekhin i dr. // Sel'skohozyajstvennaya biologiya. 2010. №4. S. 118-123. D.G. Ishkulov, A.L. Mikhailyuk, M.V. Pakhomov EXPERIENCE OF THE LABORATORY FOR BIOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS IN OPERATION WITH ARCTIC PINNIPEDS: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE The paper discusses advantages of creating biotechnical systems with participation of the Arctic seal to operate in the Arctic. Advantages and disadvantages of the methods to keep and study pinnipeds are grounded. The conditions of keeping the pinnipeds in aquacomplexes of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute (MMBI), located on the Kola Bay, are described, as well as the basic stages of the works carried out to establish MMBI biotechnical dual-purpose systems, involving native species of the Arctic seal. In conclusion, we introduce main scientific and practical results obtained during functioning of the MMBI laboratory for biotechnical systems. Keywords: Arctic seal, biotechnical system, MMBI biotechnical aquacomplex. Authors Ishkulov Dmitry Gennadievich - Ph.D. (Biol), Deputy Scientific Director, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: ishkulov@mmbi.info Mikhailyuk Aleksandr Leonidovich - Ph.D. ((Biol), Head of the Biotechnical Systems Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: sasha-mihailyuk@yandex.ru Pakhomov Miron Vladimirovich - Junior Scientific Researcher, Biotechnical Systems Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: pachomov@mmbi.info LITERATURA 1. Matishov G.G. Perspektivy osvoeniya Mirovogo okeana i arkticheskih morej // Morskie mlekopitayushchie na sluzhbe cheloveku: Materialy nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (4 oktyabrya 2010 g. Severomorsk) / otv. red. akad. G.G. Matishov. Rostov-na Donu: Izd. YuNC RAN, 2011. S. 5-17. 2. Avtonomnye podvodnye roboty. Sistemy i tekhnologii / pod obshch. red. akad. M.D. Ageeva. M.: Nauka, 2005. 398 s. 3. Worthy A.J., Hickie J.P. Relative brain size in marine mammals // The American Naturalist. 1986. Vol. 128, № 4. pp. 445-459. 4. Morskie mlekopitayushchie v biotekhnicheskih sistemah dvojnogo naznacheniya / G.G. Matishov, V.B. Vojnov, E.V. Verbickij, A.L. Mihajlyuk, A.R. Troshichev, A.S. Gladkih, V.N. Svetochev. Murmansk: Izd. MMBI KNC RAN, 2010. 131 s. 5. Mihajlyuk A.L. Tekhnogennoe shumovoe zagryaznenie Barenceva morya i ego vliyanie na biologiyu kol'chatoj nerpy: avtoref. dis. ... kandidata biologicheskih nauk: 25.00.28. Murmansk, 2012. 23 s. 6. Sensornye vozmozhnosti arkticheskih tyulenej v morskih biotekhnicheskih sistemah / V.B. Vojnov, A.A. Zajcev, Yu.V. Litvinov, A.L. Mihajlyuk, M.V. Pahomov // Vestnik YuNC RAN. 2013. T. 9, № 4. S. 87-95. 7. Ishkulov D.G., Mihajlyuk A.L., Pahomov M.V. Osobennosti cvetovospriyatiya u seryh tyulenej // Vestnik KNC RAN. 2013. №4 (15). S. 88-94. E.D. Obluchinskaya METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS BASED ON SEAWEED FUCUS Methodological approaches are proposed for creation of biological products of biologically active substances of the fucus algae. The methodology is based on a set of theoretical and the author’s experimental data. Practical realization of approaches was performed for development of specific biologicals from the fucus algae of the Barents Sea. The proposed methodology consists of four stages, each of them results in producing an intermediate product. This result provides a statement of objectives for the next step. The target is to create approaches to producing drug forms of biological products on the basis of individual biologically active substances and their complexes from the algae. Kewords: fucus algae, the Barents Sea, the White Sea, biologically active substance, methodology. Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 2/2015(21) 145
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