Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №2.

CONTENTS LITERATURA 1. Matishov G.G., Dzhenyuk S.L., Ishkulov D.G. Razvitie gidrobiologicheskih issledovanij v Evro- arkticheskom regione v XIX-XX vekah i v perspektive // Vestnik KNC RAN. 2009. № 1. S. 17-23. 2. Kompleksnye issledovaniya Arktiki na trasse Severnogo morskogo puti na atomnyh ledokolah (20 let opyta MMBI) / G.G. Matishov, Yu.A. Badanin, A.A. Deryabin, S.L. Dzhenyuk, D.G. Ishkulov, D.V. Moiseev. Rostov n/D: Izd. YuNC RAN, 2014. 96 s. 3. Atlas klimaticheskih izmenenij v bol'shih morskih ehkosistemah Severnogo polushariya (1878-2013). Region 1. Morya Vostochnoj Arktiki. Region 2. CHernoe, Azovskoe i Kaspijskoe morya / G.G. Matishov, S.V. Berdnikov, A.P. Zhichkin i dr. Rostov n/D: Izd. YuNC RAN, 2014. 256 s. 4. Matishov G.G., Matishov D.G., Moiseev D.V. Inflow of Atlantic-origin waters to the Barents Sea along glacial troughs // Oceanologia. 2009. № 51(3). P. 293-312. 5. Tereshchenko V.V. Sezonnye i mezhgodovye izmeneniya temperatury i solenosti vody osnovnyh techenij na razreze ”Kol'skij meridian” v Barencevom more. Murmansk: Izd-vo PINRO, 1997. 71 s. 6. Klimaticheskie izmeneniya morskih ehkosistem evropejskoj Arktiki / G.G. Matishov, S.L. Dzhenyuk, D.V. Moiseev, A.P. Zhichkin // Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. 2010. № 3 (86). S. 7-21. 7. Zubov N.N. L'dy Arktiki. M.: Izd. Glavsevmorputi, 1945. 360 s. 8. O prirode krupnyh gidrometeorologicheskih anomalij v arkticheskih i yuzhnyh moryah Rossii / G.G. Matishov, S.L. Dzhenyuk, D.V. Moiseev, A.P. Zhichkin // Izv. RAN. Ser. geogr. 2014. № 1. S. 36-46. 9. Matishov G.G., Kleshchenkov A.V. Kubanskij pavodkovyj krizis. Klimat, geomorfologiya, prognoz. Krymsk, iyul' 2012 g. Rostov n/D: Izd. YuNC RAN, 2012. 128 s. 10. Matishov G.G., Matishov D.G. Sovremennye prirodnye i social'nye riski v Azovo-CHernomorskom regione // Vestnik RAN. 2013. T. 83, № 12. S. 1059-1067. 0.5. Lyubina, A.A. Frolov REVIEW OF CURRENT ZOOBENTHOS INVESTIGATIONS OF THE BARENTS SEA AND ADJACENT WATERS Studies of zoobenthos have been and remain one of the important directions of MMBI investigations since the foundation of the Institute. The laboratory team conducts researches on individual taxonomic groups of zoobenthos and on benthic communities as a whole. The paper presents an overview of the results of investigations for the last 10 years. During this period, we performed studies and assessments of species diversity and abundance of zoobenthos in the central part of the Barents Sea, in coastal waters near Kola Peninsula, including the Kola Bay, on the coast of Novaya Zemlya, Franz Joseph Land and Western Spitsbergen. The dynamics of benthic communities has been studied on the two monitoring squares: one of them was situated on the Central Deep of the Barents Sea and another one was on the Kola section (VI standard hydrological section). During the research period, more than 60 new species were discovered for the fauna of the Barents Sea, two summarizing reports were made on polychaetes and amphipods from the southern part of the Kara Sea, an estimation was given for the distribution and abundance of megabenthos in the Kola Bay and the Kara Sea. Recent researches were dedicated to studying the fauna and ecology of bivalves in the freshwater reservoirs of the Kola Peninsula and to developing a system of biosensor on-line monitoring that uses bivalves as a test-object. Keywords: zoobenthos, benthic communities, species diversity, distribution, ecology, the Barents Sea, megabenthos, new species, biosensor monitoring, fresh water. Authors Lyubina Olga Stanislavovna - Ph.D. (Biol), Senior Scientific Researcher, Zoobenthos Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: olyubina@mail.ru Frolov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - Ph.D. (Biol), Scientific Researcher, Zoobenthos Laboratory, MMBI KSC RAS; e-mail: frolov@mmbi.info LITERATURA 1. Zoobentos morej severo-zapadnogo sektora Arktiki: rezul'taty mnogoletnih issledovanij / V.S. Zenzerov, E.A. Frolova, S.A. Kuz'min, N.V. Denisenko, N.A. Anisimova // Okeanologicheskie i biologicheskie issledovaniya arkticheskih i yuzhnyh morej Rossii (k 70-letiyu Murmanskogo morskogo biologicheskogo instituta). Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2006. S. 277-298. 2. Pavlova L.V., Zuev Yu.A., Frolov A.A. Osobennosti biocenozov verhnej sublitorali // Kol'skij zaliv: osvoenie i racional'noe prirodopol'zovanie / otv. red. G.G. Matishov. M.: Nauka, 2009. S. 142-161. 3. Frolov A.A. Vidovoj sostav i osobennosti raspredeleniya Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 2/2015(21) 137