Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №1.
CONTENTS LITERATURA 1. Vinogradov A.N. Izuchat' Arktiku nuzhno soobshcha. Dlya ehtogo gotovitsya programma vosstanovleniya potenciala Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra // Murmanskij vestnik. 18.12.2014 g. 2. Alimov A.N., Masloboev V.A. Gosudarstvennaya innovacionnaya politika Murmanskoj oblasti i innovacionnyj potencial regiona. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.kolasc.net.ru/russian/innovation_ksc/vved.pdf. Dost. 12.02.2015. A.G. Oleynik, A.V. Kharitonov RESULTS OF THE PROJECT «RESEARCH OF METHODS AND ALGORITHMS FOR INFORMATION PROTECTION OF ON THE BASIS OF THE BIOMETRIC USERS IDENTIFICATION IN THE SYSTEMS OF INFORMATION SUPPORT TO DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN ARCTIC TERRITORY» The study’s results are presented on development of methods for computer processing of iris digital images to be used for biometric identification of users in distributed management systems for territories development support. In the frame of the project, the authors have developed: methods and algorithms for the operative search for the pupil in the image of an iris; algorithms for encryption of biometric data in order to prevent attempts of counterfeiting and discrediting the data; recommendations on the use of technologies to identify users by their iris in distributed systems of management support. Keywords: biometric identification, iris, processing of digital image, information protection, structure of identification system . Authors Andrey G. Oleynik - Dr. Sc. (Tech.), vice-director on science of Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling KSC RAS; Chairman of Information Systems and Technologies Chair of Kola Branch of Petrozavodsk State University; e-mail: oleynik@iimm.ru Andrey V. Kharitonov - programm designer of IT-sector of Volga State University of Technology; e-mail: kharitonov.a.v@yandex.ru LITERATURA 1. Haritonov A.V. Olejnik A.G. Metod opredeleniya granicy zrachka na izobrazhenii glaza // Trudy Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Informacionnye tekhnologii. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2014. Vyp. 5. S. 171-177. 2. Sajt CBSR - Center for Biometrics and Security Research. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/china/Iris%20Databases%20CH.asp. 3. John Daugman’s webpage, Cambridge University, Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Cambridge UK. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jgd1000/. 4. Matveev I.A. Metody i algoritmy avtomaticheskoj obrabotki izobrazhenij raduzhnoj obolochki glaza: dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni d.t.n.: 05.13.11. M., 2014. 290 s. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.ccas.ru/avtorefe/0012d.pdf 5. Ornaghi A. Man in the middle attacks Demos / Alberto Ornaghi , Marco Valleri // Blackhat Conference - USA 2003. Rezhim dostupa: https://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-03/bh-us-03-ornaghi-valleri.pdf. 6. Shannon C. Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems // Bell System Technical Journal. 1949. Vol. 28(4). P. 656-715. 7. Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii programmy dlya EHVM «Like-noise signals» № 2011610941. 25.01.2011 / A.N. Leuhin, A.S. Shuvalov, A.S. Petuhov, E.N. Potekhin, A.V. Haritonov 8. University of Tehran IRIS (UTIRIS). Iris image database. Availabl e from http: // utiris.wordpress.com. 9. MSDN - set' razrabotchikov Majkrosoft. Rezhim dostupa: http: // msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/default.as 186 Herald o fKola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 1/2005(20)
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