Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №1.
CONTENTS donnyh otlozhenij v usloviyah antropogennyh nagruzok na vodoemy arkticheskogo bassejna (na primere Kol'skogo Severa) / T.I. Moiseenko, I.V. Rodyushkin, V.A. Dauval'ter, L.P. Kudryavceva. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1996. 263 s. 12. Moiseenko T.I. Zakislenie vod: faktory, mekhanizmy i ehkologicheskie posledstviya. M: Nauka, 2003. 276 c. 13. Horowitz A.J. A primer on trace metal-sediment chemistry. Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers, 2nd rew. ed., 1991. 136 p. 14. Ehkologicheskij katalog ozer Murmanskoj oblasti. Severo- zapadnaya chast' Murmanskoj oblasti i prigranichnoj territorii sopredel'nyh stran: v 2 ch. / N.A. Kashulin, S.S. Sandimirov, V.A. Dauval'ter, P.M. Terent'ev, D.B. Denisov. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2009. CH. 1. 226 s.; CH. 2. 262 s. 15. Dauval'ter V.A. Zakonomernosti osadkonakopleniya v vodnyh ob"ektah Evropejskoj Subarktiki (prirodoohrannye aspekty problemy): dis. ... dokt. geogr. nauk. Apatity, 1999. 399 s. 16. Dauvalter V. Heavy metals in lake sediments of the Kola peninsula, Russia // Sci. Total Environ. 1994. Vol. 158. P. 51-61. 17. Dauval'ter V.A. Koncentracii tyazhelyh metallov v donnyh otlozheniyah ozer Kol'skogo poluostrova kak indikator zagryazneniya vodnyh ehkosistem // Problemy himicheskogo i biologicheskogo monitoringa ehkologicheskogo sostoyaniya vodnyh ob"ektov Kol'skogo Severa. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1995. S. 24-35. 18. Dauval'ter V.A. Zagryaznenie donnyh otlozhenij vodosbora reki Pasvik tyazhelymi metallami // Geoehkologiya. 1997. № 6. S. 43-53. 19. Dauval'ter V.A. Tyazhelye metally v donnyh otlozheniyah ozerno-rechnoj sistemy ozero Inari - reka Pasvik // Vod. resursy. 1998. T. 25, № 4. S. 494-500. 20. Dauval'ter V.A. Himicheskij sostav donnyh otlozhenij subarkticheskogo ozera pod vliyaniem gornoj metallurgii // Izvestiya AN. Seriya geograficheskaya. 2002. № 4. S. 65-73. 21. Dauvalter V., Rognerud S. Heavy metals pollution in sediment of the Pasvik River drainage // Chemosphere. 2001. Vol. 42, № 1. P. 9-18. 22. Dauvalter V. Impact of mining and refining on the distribution and accumulation of nickel and other heavy metals in sediments of subarctic lake Kuetsjarvi, Murmansk region, Russia // J. Environ. Monitor. 2003. Vol. 5 (2). P. 210-215. 23. Airborne contamination by heavy metals and aluminium in the freshwater ecosystems of the Kola subarctic region (Russia) / T.I. Moiseenko, L.P. Kudryavtseva, I.V. Rodyushkin [et al.] // Sci. Tot. Environ. 1995. Vol. 160/161. P. 715-727. 24. Dauval'ter V.A. Geoehkologiya donnyh otlozhenij ozer. Murmansk: Izd-vo Murmanskogo gos. tekhn. un-ta, 2012. 242 s. 25. Dauval'ter V.A., Kashulin N.A. Himicheskij sostav donnyh otlozhenij sistemy reki Pasvik v usloviyah global'nogo i lokal'nogo zagryazneniya // Vestnik Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2014. № 2. S. 106-121. 26. Rognerud S., Norton S.A., Dauvalter V. Heavy metal pollution in lake sediments in the border areas between Russia and Norway. Oslo: NIVA-Report 522/ 93, 1993. 18 p. 27. Nekotorye aspekty sovremennogo sostoyaniya presnovodnyh resursov Murmanskoj oblasti / N.A. Kashulin, V.A. Dauval'ter, D.B. Denisov, S.A. Val'kova, O.I. Vandysh, P.M. Terent'ev, A.N. Kashulin // Vestnik MGTU. 2013. T. 16, №1. S. 98-107. 28. Appleby P.G., Oldfield F. The calculation of the 210Pb dates assuming a constant rate of supply of unsupported 210Pb to sediments // Catena. 1978. Vol. 5. P. 1-8. 29. Hakanson L. An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control - a sedimentological approach // Water Res. 1980. Vol. 14. P. 975-1001. V.I. Demin, A.P. Antsyferova, O.I. Mokrotovarova CHANGES OF THE AIR TEMPERATURE IN MURMANSK SINCE THE 19th CENTURY Meteorological measurement in Murmansk started in 1918. The weather station was relocated in 1924 and 1934. For this reason, homogeneous time series of air temperature in Murmansk began in 1935 only. However, there are long-running temperature records from other sites in the Northern Europe (Kola, Vardo, Tornedalen), that had been started before the observation in Murmansk. Linear regression relationships for temperature data from various sites were obtained for periods with overlapping observations. These relations were applied to periods with no data in Murmansk and corresponding data for other sites. This method permits reconstruction of temperatures in Murmansk back to 1802. These early data has been combined with the temperature series from the weather station in Murmansk, which began in 1935. All four seasons of reconstructed time-series show evident warming trend between 1802 and 2013. Magnitude and rate of the temperature rise vary with time as local temperatures depend on changes in patterns of the large-scale atmospheric circulation. The rise of winter temperatures reached culmination in the 1930s. During following years, temperatures were falling until the 1970s. The new warming began in the late 1980s, but it does not exceed the level of the 1930s yet. Average spring, summer, autumn temperatures calculated for the periods 1984-2013, 1994-2013 and 2004-2013's years were the warmest ones among any similar periods during the past 211 years. Keywords: Murmansk region, climate, climate change, statistical climatology. Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 1/2015(20) 183
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