Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №1.

CONTENTS GBS. M.: Nauka, 1980. Vyp. 117. S. 31-36. 5. Krasnaya kniga Murmanskoj oblasti. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. / otv. red. N.A. Konstantinova, A.S. Koryakin, O.A. Makarova, V.V. Bianki. Kemerovo: Izd. Aziya-print, 2014. 584 s. 6. Rastitel'nye resursy Rossii. Dikorastushchie cvetkovye rasteniya, ih komponentnyj sostav i biologicheskaya aktivnost'. T. 3. Semejstva Fabaceae-Apiaceae. 2010. 608 c. 7. Boch M.S. O bolotah lesnoj polosy Kol'skogo poluostrova // Bot. zhurn. 1989. T. 74, № 12. S. 1747-1756. 8. Boch M.S., Smagin V.A. Redkie associacii bolot Severo-Zapada Evropejskoj chasti SSSR. (ll. Primulo-Schoenetum ferruginei Oberd. 62, Caricetum hostianae ass. nova, Cladietum marisci Allorge 22) // Byul. MOIP. 1987. T. 92, vyp. 4. S. 104­ 110. 9. Smagin V.A. Rastitel'nost' bolot taezhnoj zony evropejskoj Rossii // Fundamental'nye i prikladnye problemy botaniki v nachale XXI veka: materialy vseros. konf. (g. Petrozavodsk, 22 -27 sentyabrya 2008 g.). CH. 5: Geobotanika. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skij nauchnyj centr RAN, 2008. S. 286-289. 10. Smagin V.A. Kompleksy rastitel'nyh soobshchestv bolot taezhnoj zony evropejskoj Rossii // Bot. zhurn. 2014. T. 99, № 11. S. 1185-1223. 11. Koroleva N.E. Osnovnye biotopy severo-taezhnyh lesov i berezovyh krivolesij Murmanskoj oblasti: landshaftnoe i botanicheskoe raznoobrazie, osnovaniya dlya ohrany // Vestnik MGTU. 2011. T . 14, № 4. S. 819-832. V.A. Dauvalter, N.A. Kashulin THE MAIN REGULARITIES OF HEAVY METALS DISTRIBUTION IN LAKES SEDIMENTS FOR THE NORTHWEST PART OF MURMANSK REGION AND THE BORDER TERRITORY OF ADJACENT COUNTRIES On the basis of the researches done during the last quarter century, the main consistent patterns of heavy metals distribution in lakes sediments for the northwest part of Murmansk Region and the border area of the adjacent countries are determined. The increase in the contents of Ni, Cu and Co in lake sediments had been usually found in the layers with the age estimated as 1920th-1930th, and the maximum values were noted in 1970th-1980th as a result of metallurgical activity in this region. Significant increase of Pb concentration was recorded in lake sediments at the beginning of the 18th century. Pb becomes one of the main pollutants when moving farther from the Pechenganikel Company. It is especially typical for Finnish and Norwegian lakes. The considerable increase in the contents of chalcophile Pb, Hg, As and Cd in lake sediments occurred in the middle of the last century; it was connected with intensive industrial development after the Second World War, including more and more growing use of leaded gasoline as well as renewal of metallurgical production in the region. Keywords: sediments, lakes, Murmansk region, heavy metals, pollution. Authors Vladimir A. Dauval’ter - Dr. Sc. (Geogr.), Professor, major scientific researcher of Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS; e-mail: vladimir@inep.ksc.ru Nikolay A. Kashulin - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Laboratory on Aquatic Ecosystems, vice-director on science of Institute of Northern Industry Ecology Problems KSC RAS; e-mail: nikolay@inep.ksc.ru LITERATURA 1. Moreckij V.N. O nekotoryh harakteristikah dolgoperiodnogo krupnomasshtabnogo vzaimodejstviya okeana s atmosferoj severnogo polushariya // Tr. AANII. Leningrad, 1976. T. 319. S. 4-23. 2. Moiseenko T.I. Teoreticheskie osnovy normirovaniya antropogennyh nagruzok na vodoemy Subarktiki. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1997. 261 s. 3. Kashulin N.A. Ryby malyh ozer severnoj Fennoskandii v usloviyah aehrotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2004. 130 s. 4. Catalogue of lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area / N.A. Kashulin, V.A. Dauvalter, S.S. Sandimirov, I.M. Koroleva // Finland, Kuopio: Kopijyva Oy, 2008. 141 p. 5. Mur Dzh.V., Ramamurti S. Tyazhelye metally v prirodnyh vodah. M.: Mir, 1987. 285 s. 6. Zejler G. Nekotorye problemy analiza biologicheskih materialov na soderzhanie toksichnyh ehlementov v sledah // Nekotorye voprosy toksichnosti ionov metallov. M.: Mir, 1993. S. 246-269. 7. Blevins R.D., Pancorbo O.C. Metal concentrations in muscle of fish from aquatic systems in east Tennessee, U.S.A. // Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1985. No. 29. P. 361-371. 8. Nriagu J.O. Global metal pollution // Environment. 1990. Vol. 32. P. 6-21. 9. Sorensen E.M. Metal poisoning in fish, U.S.A. Texas: CRC Press, 1992. 362 p. 10. Moiseenko T.I. Zakislenie i zagryaznenie tyazhelymi metallami poverhnostnyh vod Kol'skogo Severa. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 1991. 48 s. 11. Formirovanie kachestva vod i 182 Herald o fKola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 1/2005(20)