Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №1.

CONTENTS Authors Piotr A. Kashulin - Dr. Sc. (Biol.) major scientific researcher of Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute KSC RAS; e-mail: falconet1@yandex.ru Natalya V. Kalachiova - junior scientific researcher of Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute KSC RAS; e-mail: natty1000@yandex.ru LITERATURA 1. Direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity / J.M. Gray, S. Frolking, E.A. Kort, D.K. Ray, Ch.J. Kucharik, N. Ramankutty, M.A. Friedl // Nature. 2014. Vol. 515, No 7527. R. 398-401. 2. Funct. Ecolol. Chlorophyll fluorescence as a probe of he photosynthetic competence of leaves in the field: A review of current instrumentation / H.R. Bolhar-Nordenkampf, S.P. Long, N.R. Baker, G. Oquist, U. Schreiber, E.G. Lechner. 1989. Vol. 3. P. 497-514. 3. Kashulin P.A., Kalacheva N.V. Vozrastnye izmeneniya funkcij fotosinteticheskogo apparata sosny evropejskoj // Vestnik Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2011. № 2 (5). S. 34-40. 4. Izuchenie fiziologicheskogo sostoyaniya drevesnyh rastenij po harakteristikam fluorescencii v kore odnoletnih pobegov derev'ev / P.S. Venediktov, YU.V. Kazimirko, T.E. Krendeleva, G.P. Kukarskih, V.V. Makarova, S.I. Pogosyan, O.V. Yakovleva // Ehkologiya. 2000. № 5. 5. 338-342. 5. Fotohimicheskie processy v rasteniyah na Severe i okruzhayushchaya sreda / P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva, N.A. Artemkina, S.A. Chernous // Vestnik MGTU. 2009. T. 12, vyp. 1. S. 137-142. 6. Genty B., Briantais J-M., Raker N.R. The relationship between the quantum yield of photosynthetic electron transport and quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence // Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1989. Vol. 990. P. 87-92. 7. New flux parameters for the determination of QA redox state and excitation fluxes / D.M. Kramer, J. Johnson, O. Kiirats, G.E. Edwards // Photosynthesis Research. 2004. Vol. 79. P. 209-218. 8. Klughammer Ch., Schreiber U. Complementary PS II quantum yields calculated from simple parameters measured by PAM fluorometry and the saturation pulse method // PAM Application Notes. 2008. Vol. 1. P. 27-35. 9. A clock-work green circadian programs in photosynthetic organisms / C.H. Johnson, M. Knigh, A. Trewavas, T. Kondo; P.J. Lumsden, A.J. Millar, eds. // Biological Rhythms and Photoperiodism in Plants. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford. 1998. P. 1-34. 10. Somers D.E. The physiology and molecular bases of the plant circadian clock // Plant Physiology. 1999. Vol. 121. P. 9-19. S.V. Asming, N.R. Kirillova TO CHARACTERISTIC OF SOME RIVERINE GRASS BOGS IN THE CENTRAL PART OF MURMANSK REGION The floristical structure, environmental ecological characteristics and features of three riverine grass bogs at south-east locality of Apatity are described. These plant communities are impacted by calcium- containing flows from Dolomitovaya mountain, but there are no many rare and calcium-favoured species. However, these riverine grass bogs have resource and regional economic importance. Keywords: grass bogs, resources, plants, Murmansk region. Authors Svetlana V. Asming - PhD (Biol.), assistant laboratory researcher of Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute KSC RAS, Assistant Professor of Kola Branch of Petrozavodsk State University; e-mail: asming@yandex.ru Natalya R. Kirillova - junior scientific researcher of Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute KSC RAS; e-mail: knr81@mail.ru LITERATURA 1. Blinova I.V. O nekotoryh osobennostyah struktury populyacij sosudistyh rastenij v fitocenozah travyanyh bolot Murmanskoj oblasti // Bioraznoobrazie i kul'turocenozy v ehkstremal'nyh usloviyah: Materialy dokladov Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Apatity: «K&M», 2012. S. 17-19. 2. Blinova I.V., Petrovskij M.N. K harakteristike minerotrofnyh travyanyh bolot v central'noj chasti Murmanskoj oblasti i o neobhodimosti ih ohrany // Vestnik Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2014. №3. S. 38-55. 3. Cherepanov S.K. Sosudistye rasteniya Rossii i sopredel'nyh gosudarstv (v predelah byvshego SSSR). SPb.: Mir i sem'ya, 1995. 992 s. 4. Zajceva T.A. K sistematike Krovohlebki lekarstvennoj // Byull. Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 1/2015(20) 181