Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2015, №1.
CONTENTS E.V. Smirnova, O.V. Karamushko SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION AND SOME BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF GELATINOUS SEASNAIL LIPARIS CF. FABRICII KR0YER, 1847 IN THE KARA SEA Gelatinous seasnail main features of habitat spatial distribution and temperature in the Kara Sea are discussed. Researched species was found at depths from 17 to 414 m, at temperatures from 1.91 to 0°C and had preferred bottom with mud and sandy-mud surface. Specimens of the gelatinous seasnail with length from 3.9 cm to 18.8 cm were noted in the Kara Sea catches and most of them were females. Some part of these females had ripe eggs (8.33 %) and another part with flowing eggs (3.33 %). Keywords: Gelatinous seasnail, spatial distribution, length composition, Kara Sea. Authors Elena V. Smirnova - junior scientific researcher, Laboratory on Fish Ichthyology and Physiology of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS; e-mail: smirnova@mmbi.info Oleg. V. Karamushko - PhD (Biol.), Head of Laboratory on Fish Ichthyology and Physiology of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS; e-mail: karamushko_o@mmbi.info LITERATURA 1. Astaf'eva A.V. Antonov S.G., Petrov A.A. Tralovye raboty v Karskom more // Osobennosti biologii ryb severnyh morej: Sb. nauch. tr. MMBI KNC RAN. L.: Nauka, 1983. S. 3-12. 2. Andriyashev A.P. Ryby severnyh morej SSSR. M.; L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1954. 556 s. 3. Esipov V.K. O rybah, sobrannyh ehkspediciej na l/p «Sadko» v 1935 g. Zool. zhurnal. 1939. T. 18. Vyp. 5. S. 877-887. 4. Esipov V.K. Ryby Karskogo morya. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1952. 146 s. 5. Soldatov V.K. Materialy po ihtiofaune Karskogo i vostochnoj chasti Barenceva morej po sboram ehkspedicii Instituta v 1921 g. // Tr. Plavuchego morskogo nauchn. in-ta. 1923. Vyp. 3. S. 5-79. 6. Efimov V.M., Kovaleva V.Yu. Mnogomernyj analiz biologicheskih dannyh. Izd-vo Innovacionnyj centr zashchity rastenij, 2008. 85 s. 7. Borkin I.V., Vasil'ev A.V., Chetyrkina O.YU. Ihtiofauna // Ehkosistema Karskogo morya. Murmansk: Izd-vo PINRO, 2008. S. 179-181. 8. Chernova N.V. Liparovye ryby evroaziatskoj Arktiki. Apatity: Izd. KNC AN SSSR, 1991. 112 s. 9. Atlas of the Barents Sea Fishes. №1. Murmansk, Bergen: IMR, PINRO, 2011 / R. Wienerroither, E. Johannesen, A. Dolgov, I. Byrkjedal, O. Bjelland, K. Drevetnyak, K.B. Eriksen, A. H 0 ines, G. Langhelle, H. Lang 0 y, T. Prokhorova, D. Prozorkevich, T. Wenneck. 272 p. 10. Dolgov A.V., Benzik A.N., Chetyrkina O.YU. Novye dannye po pitaniyu nepromyslovyh ryb v Karskom more // Global'nye klimaticheskie processy i ih vliyanie na ehkosistemy antarkticheskih i arkticheskih regionov: tez. dokl. mezhdunar. nauchn. konf., 2011 g.; MMBI KNC RAN. Apatity: Izd. KNC RAN, 2011. S. 53-54. P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva DIURNAL PHOTOSYNTHETIC CYCLES AND COLD HARDINESS OF NORTHERN PLANTS A long-term study of photosynthetic activity was carried out for Kola North native deciduous arboreal and for cultivated plant species in terms of pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorescence with a portable PAM-2100 fluorometer. The day-to-day temporal pattern in photochemical conversion amongst monitored plants appeared to have a diurnal rhythm related to chlorophyll fluorescence of attached leaves. The rhythm has been retained throughout August to October 2014. A regular amplitude noon abatement followed by evening growth was inhered in quantum yield of PS II diurnal run. This master regular rhythm showed the species-dependent susceptibility to both abrupt temperature falls and fluctuations in UV. The assimilation of most cold hardy Salix caprea, and of Lonicera edulis, L. tatarica, Syringa josikaea had more robust diurnal cycles as compared to Betula pendula. In resistant species, the activation was found in heat dissipation of antennae excited states after night frost events, it resulted in sharp rise of NPQ. It is supposed that plant cold hardiness and frost resistance are connected with both protective down regulation of PSII and with clock mechanisms controlling a diurnal rhythm of photochemical conversion. Keywords: Subarctic, deciduous plants, photosynthesis, cyclicity, cold hardiness, chlorophyll, fluorescence. 180 Herald o fKola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 1/2005(20)
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