Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №4.

CONTENTS Analiz registracii pokazatelej kachestva ehlektroehnergii na shinah pitayushchih podstancij // Vestnik MGTU. 2009. T. 12, №1. S. 58-64. 6. Nevretdinov Yu.M., Fastij G.P., Yaroshevich V.V. Issledovanie vozmozhnosti lokalizacii istochnika garmonicheskih iskazhenij napryazheniya na pitayushchih podstanciyah // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov CFTPEHS KNC RAN «Modelirovanie perekhodnyh processov i ustanovivshihsya rezhimov vysokovol'tnoj seti». Apatity, 2008. S. 140-147. 7. RD 153-34.0-15.502-2002. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po kontrolyu i analizu kachestva ehlektricheskoj ehnergii v sistemah ehnergosnabzheniya obshchego naznacheniya. CHast' 2. Analiz kachestva ehlektricheskoj ehnergii. 8. Yaroshevich V.V., Karpov A.S., Karpova O.M. Ocenka ehffektivnosti monitoringovyh issledovanij kachestva ehlektroehnergii po GOST 13109-97 v vysokovol'tnoj seti 6-150 kV // Trudy Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. EHnergetika. 2013. Vyp. 7, № 4. S. 117-121. 9. Yaroshevich V.V., KarpovA.S. Vliyanie nestacionarnyh ehlektromagnitnyh vozdejstvij na silovye transformatory // Trudy Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. EHnergetika. 2014. Vyp. 8, № 3. S. 54-62. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES M.V. Korneykova, N.V. Fokina ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION OF SCHOOL PUPILS ON THE BASIS OF THE INSTITUTE OF THE INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY PROBLEMS OF THE NORTH OF KSC RAS The Institute of the Industrial Ecology Problems of the North of KSC RAS in cooperation with the Educational Department of Apatity town takes its part in the environmental education of children of pre-school and school ages in order to build their bicentric world-view. Within the framework of a cooperation agreement, the Institute organizes lectures for school teachers and kindergarteners, workshops for pupils and excursions to the Institute’s laboratories. These children have an opportunity to get acquainted with the laboratory staff, the equipment and research objects. An environmental educational course “Young ecologist” was developed for pre-school children and put into practice in a kindergarten, namely # 48 “Ivushka”. The course includes lectures, workshops and excursions. Interested children can consult young researchers from the Institute and get assistance in their research works and participation in regional and federal competitions. Keywords: environmental education, nature observation, research work. Authors Mariya V. Korneykova - PhD (Biol.), senior scientific researcher; e-mail: korneykova@inep.ksc.ru Nadezhda V. Fokina - PhD (Tech.), senior scientific researcher; e-mail: voronina@inep.ksc.ru Zh.E. Kasparyan THE CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES, DEVELOPMENT VECTORS AND CONTRADICTIONS OF THE SOCIAL POLICY IN MURMANSK REGION AS A TERRITORY OF THE ARCTIC ZONE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The article deals with the contemporary challenges and contradictions of social policy of the Murmansk region, considered in connection with the adoption of the new package of federal laws on the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The regional and pan-northern differences of social policy are revealed as a consequence of the significant contradictions in development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. It is pointed that the main task of modern Russian «Arctic» social policy nowadays is to save and multiply the human potential of Northern society. It is necessary to reorient the social policy in the Arctic regions of the RF to solve the acute social problems. The modern concept of the Russian Arctic regions development requires considering the variety of complex tasks and develop a systematic approach that demands for some retrospective historical scientific analysis of the socio-economic policy and the mobilization experience from the Soviet period of the Arctic territories development. Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, social policy, the Murmansk region, social problems, social infrastructure, social capital. Author Janna Ed. Kasparyan - PhD (Econ.), scientific researcher of HC KSC RAS; e-mail: janet_k@isc.kolasc.net.ru 156 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 4/2014(19)