Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №4.

CONTENTS mestorozhdeniya kompleksnyh apatit-nefelinovyh rud s podschetom zapasov na 1 oktyabrya 1978 g. / I.I. Perekrest, L.F. Lazareva, E.A. Kamenev, D.A. Mineev i dr. Kirovsk, 1978. CH. 1, CH. 2. 4570 s. 3. Samono A.E., Melent'ev G.B., Delicin L.M. Novye perspektivy kompleksnogo osvoeniya prirodnyh i tekhnogennyh resursov Hibinskogo gornopromyshlennogo kompleksa // Materialy RMO, 2007. S. 113-116. 4. Vnedrenie tekhnologii i organizacii proizvodstva po izvlecheniyu RZEH iz apatitovogo koncentrata na baze proizvodstv slozhnyh mineral'nyh udobrenij HK «Akron», 2013. 5. Petrov I.M. Sovremennye tendencii proizvodstva i potrebleniya redkozemel'nyh i redkih metallov v mire i Rossii // Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. EHkonomika i upravlenie. 2013. №4. S 72-75. 6. Kratkij otchyot o nauchno-issledovatel'skoj rabote: «Ocenka sovremennogo sostoyaniya v oblasti kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya apatito-nefelinovyh rud. Celesoobraznost' proizvodstva i ispol'zovaniya poputnyh koncentratov i komponentov iz apatito-nefelinovyh rud». 2010. 33 s. 7. Tekhniko-ehkonomicheskaya ocenka dobychi i obogashcheniya zapasov mestorozhdenij Olenij Ruchej i Partomchorr. T. 2.1. Mestorozhdenie Partomchorr. SPB.: Giproruda, 2006 g. S. 12-20. 8. Byulleten' «Srednegodovye ceny na vazhnejshie vidy mineral'no-syr'evoj produkcii». Rezhim dostupa: http://www.mineral.ru/Facts/Prices/148/466/index.html I.V. Blinova ON CSR- AND r-K-STRATEGIES OF RARE VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES IN MURMANSK REGION (RUSSIA) Survival strategies are adaptive mechanisms characterizing every species. Various ways to classify plant strategies are discussed, and a separation of stress-tolerant plants into two groups is proposed. Frequency of strategies occurrence might differ across the red-listed species from different families. It is shown that the behavior of most rare vascular species from Murmansk Region corresponds to ‘extreme stress-tolerant’. These species occur in habitats with highly fragmented vegetation cover, and they can be split into three subgroups based on combinations of the CSR- and ontogenetic strategies. In contrast, the classical stress-tolerant type is more frequent for rare species of Orchidaceae. Keywords: CSR-strategies, r- & K- strategies, rare plant species, Orchidaceae, Murmansk Region. Author Ilona V. Blinova - Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Head of Dept. for Plants Population Biology; e-mail: ilbli@yahoo.com LITERATURA 1. Grime J.P. Plant strategies and vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. 2nd ed. Chichester, Wiley, 2001. 417 p. 2. Gilyarov A.M. V poiskah universal'nyh zakonomernostej organizacii soobshchestv: progress na puti nejtralizma // ZHurn. obshch. biol. 2010. T. 71. № 5. S. 386-401. 3. Ramenskij L.G. Vvedenie v kompleksnoe pochvenno-geobotanicheskoe issledovanie zemel'. M., Sel'hozgiz, 1938. 619 s. 4. Grime J.P. Vegetation classification by reference to strategies // Nature (London). 1974. Vol. 250. P. 26­ 31. 5. Grime J.P. Evidence for the existence of three primary strategies in plants and its relevance to ecological and evolutionary theory // Am. Naturalist. 1977. Vol. 3. P. 1169-1184. 6. Rabotnov T.A. Izuchenie cenoticheskih populyacij v celyah vyyasneniya «strategii zhizni» vidov rastenij // Byul. MOIP. 1975. T. 80. №2. S. 5-17. 7. Rabotnov T.A. O violentah, patientah i ehksplerentah // Byul. MOIP. 1993. T. 98. №5. 5. 119-124. 8. Smirnova O.V. Povedenie vidov i funkcional'naya organizaciya travyanogo pokrova shirokolistvennyh lesov evropejskoj chasti SSSR // Byul. MOIP. 1980. T. 85(5). S. 53-67. 9. Smirnova O.V., CHistyakova A.A. Analiz fitocenoticheskih potencij nekotoryh drevesnyh shirokolistvennyh lesov evropejskoj chasti SSSR // ZHurn. obshch. biol. 1980. T. 49(3). S. 350-362. 10. Vasilevich V.I. Tipy strategij rastenij i fitocenotipy // ZHurn. obshch. biol. 1987. T. 48(3). S. 368-375. 11. Zaugol'nova L.B., Nikitina S.V., Denisova L.V. Tipy funkcionirovaniya populyacij redkih vidov rastenij // Byul. MOIP. 1992. T. 97(3). S. 80-91. 12. Onipchenko V.G. Semenova G.V., van der Maarel E. Population strategies in severe environments: alpine plants in the northwestern Caucasus // J. Veg. Sci. 1998. Vol. 9. P. 27-40. 13. Hodgson J.G., Wilson P.J., Hunt R., Grime J.P., Thompson K. Allocating C-S-R plant functional types: a soft approach to a hard problem // Oikos 1999. Vol. 85. P. 282-294. 14. A new practical tool for deriving a functional signature for herbaceous vegetation / R. Hunt, J.G. Hodgson, K. Thompson, P. Bungener, N.P. Dunnett, A.P. Askew // Appl. Veg. Sci. 2004. Vol. 7. P. 163-170. 15. Moog D., Stefanie Kahmen S., Poschlod P. Application of CSR- and LHS-strategies for the distinction of differently managed grasslands // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2005. Vol. 6. P. 133-143. 16. Sergienko L.A. Vydelenie razlichnyh po adaptivnoj strategii grupp rastenij 152 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 4/2014(19)