Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №4.

CONTENTS gazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya / E.M. CHuvilin, E.V. Perlova, YU.B. Baranov, V.V. Kondakov, A.B. Osokin, V.S. YAkushev. M., GEOS, 2007. 137 s. 21. Dyadin YU.A., Gushchin A.L. Gazovye gidraty // Sorosovskij obrazovatel'nyj zhurnal. 1998. № 3. S. 55-64. 22. Baranov S.V. Aftershokovyj process zemletryaseniya 21.02.2008 g. v prolive Stur-Fiord (arhipelag SHpicbergen) // Vulkanologiya i sejsmologiya. 2013. № 3. S. 1-15. 23. Baranov S.V., Vinogradov A.N. Vozmozhnye prichiny anomal'noj sejsmicheskoj aktivnosti v prolive Sturfiord (arhipelag SHpicbergen) v 2008-2009 godah // Vestnik S.Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 7. 2010. Vyp. 4. S. 23-31. 24. Vliyanie sejsmichnosti na raspredelenie rybnyh skoplenij na zapadnoj okraine Barencevomorskogo bassejna / A. Vinogradov, S. Baranov, A. ZHichkin, D. Moiseev // Rybnye resursy. 2011. № 2. S. 18-21. 25. Vzryvy i zemletryaseniya na territorii Evropejskoj chasti Rossii / pod red. V.V. Adushkina i A.A. Malovichko. M.: GEOS, 2013. 384 s. N.K. Belisheva, A.A. Martynova, S.A. Pryanichnikov, N.L. Solovievskaya, T.S. Zavadskaja, R.E. Mikhailov FUNCTIONAL STATE OF CHILDREN WITH NEUROPSYCHIC PECULIARITIES AND ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS PREDISPOSING TO DEVIATIONS IN THEIR DEVELOPMENT The results of the analysis of the functional state of the organism for children with deviations in the mental development and analysis of factors related to reproductive health and social living conditions of such children are presented in this paper. The study was carried out on the base of the special school for children with mental problems. The decrease in adaptive reserve was shown by a functional test for children with mental problems in comparison with healthy children of the same age. It was shown that the contribution of spectral frequency components into the autonomic regulation of the heart rate for children with mental problems of school age is significantly different from the control group of healthy children from similar age groups. There were significant differences in the levels of adaptation indicators of autonomic and central regulation of HRV, psycho-emotional state between children with mental problems and control group from Apatity town. Information was collected from medical records about the features of development for children with mental problems, as well as partial information about parents diseases and the social and economic status of their families. The major endogenous causes predisposing to arising of children with special problems were analyzed and identified; some recommendations to reduce the risk we Analyzed and identified were given. Keywords: children with deviations in mental development, heart rate variability, risk factors. Authors Natalya K. Belisheva - Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Head of Dept. for Medical-and-Biological Problems of Human Adaptation to the Arctic (HAA) of KSC RAS; e-mail: natalybelisheva@mail.ru Alla A. Martynova - PhD (Biol.), Scientific researcher of HAA of KSC RAS e-mail: martynovaalla@yandex.ru Sergey V. Ptyanichnikov - PhD (Biol.), executive of HAA of KSC RAS; e-mail: prjanik.75@mail.ru Natalya L. Solovyevskaya - junior scientific researcher of HAA of KSC RAS; e-mail: silva189@mail.ru Tatyana S. Zavadskaya - senior analyst-researcher of HAA of KSC RAS; e-mail: green.myrtal@mail.ru Roman E. Mikchaylov - junior scientific researcher of HAA of KSC RAS; e-mail: Rem1987@mail.ru LITERATURA 1. Makushkin E.V., Vostroknutov N.V., Raevskaya L.G. Strategiya social'noj detskoj psihiatrii: mezhdunarodnyj opyt, organizacionnye i klinicheskie napravleniya pomoshchi. Sovremennye problemy ohrany psihicheskogo zdorov'ya detej // Nauchnye materialy vserossijskoj konferencii «Problemy diagnostiki, terapii i instrumental'nyh issledovanij v detskoj psihiatrii». Volgograd, 24-26 aprelya 2007 g. Volgograd: VolGMU, 2007. S. 8-12. 2. Vyhristyuk O.F., Samsygina G.A. Problemy hronicheskoj patologii v detskom vozraste i demograficheskaya situaciya // Lechashchij vrach. 1998-05-08 3. Korsunskij A.A. Sostoyanie psihicheskogo zdorov'ya detej: problemy, puti resheniya: spravka, podgotovlennaya dlya kollegii Minzdrava RF (15.05.01). Rezhim dostupa: http://www.narkotiki.ru/5_535.htm 4. Pronina L.A. EHpidemiologiya psihicheskih rasstrojstv u detej. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.otrok.ru/medbook/listmed/epid.htm 5. Badalyan L.O. Zashchita razvivayushchegosya mozga - vazhnejshaya zadacha perinatal'noj mediciny. Tashkent, 1989. S. 39-42. 6. Savel'eva G.M., Sichinava L.G. Gipoksicheskie perinatal'nye povrezhdeniya central'noj nervnoj sistemy i puti ih snizheniya // Ros. vestnik perinatologii i pediatrii. 1995. № 3. S. 19-23. 7. Schaywitz B.A. The sequelae og hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy // Semin. Perinatol. 1987. Vol. 11, №2. P. 180-191. 146 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 4/2014(19)