Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №4.

CONTENTS NATURAL AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES A.N. Vinogradov, Priorities o f the Kola Science Cen tre o f the Russian Academ y o f V T . Kalinnikov Sciences in A rrangem en t o f Comp lex Interd iscip linary Researches V P Petrov a t the Modern S tage o f Deve lopmen t in the A rc tic Zone o f R uss ia ..... 3 V.P. Petrov, To the History of Academic Science on the Kola Peninsula: A.D. Tokarev Capital Construction................................................................................................ 11 A.N. Vinogradov, The Applicability of Seismoinfrasound Monitoring Yu.A. Vinogradov, for Remote Control of Geodynamic Regime in Oil and Gas Fields A.A. Malovichko of the Kara Sea Shelf and Yamal Peninsula.......................................................... 22 N.K. Belisheva, Functional State of Children with Neuropsychic Peculiarities and Analysis A.A. Martynova, of Risk Factors Predisposing to Deviations in Their Development...................... 32 S.A. Pryanichnikov et al. A.V. Bazai, P.M. Goryainov, New data on REE resources of the Murmansk Region.......................................... 50 I.R. Elizarova et al. G.O. Kalashnikova, New Functional Materials Based N.Y. Yancheva on Synthetic Analogues of ivanyukite and kukisvumite.......................................... 66 E. V.Gromov, Assessment of Investment Potential A.L.Bilin for Partomchorr Deposit Development................................................................... 76 I. V. Blinova On CSR- and r-K-Strategies of Rare Vascular Plant Species in Murmansk Region (Russia).................................................................................. 83 O.A. Goncharova, Features of Seasonal Development E.Yu. Poloskova of Introduced Species of larix Mill. in the Murmansk Region................................ 96 A.S. Karpov, Substantiation of a Technical Solution for a Firmware System Capable V.V. Yaroshevich to Localize Distortions Sources for Electric Power................................................ 102 SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES M.V. Korneykova, Environmental Education of School Pupils on the Basis of the Institute N.V. Fokina of the Industrial Ecology Problems of the North of KSC RAS............................. 107 Zh.E. Kasparyan The Contemporary Challenges, Development Vectors and Contradictions of the Social Policy in Murmansk Region as a Territory of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation........................................................................................ 112 Kola North - History and the Present (Historical Markers) O.A. Bodrova The Problems of Description of the Kola Sami Culture in Ethnographical Sources of the Second Part of the 19th - Beginning 20th Centuries..................... 121 CHRONICLE.................................................................................................................126 CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS.............................................................................127 NEW BOOKS .............................................................................................................. 131 ANNIVERSARIES.......................................................................................................134 CONTENTS............................................................................................................... ...141 Herald o f the Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences 4/2014(19) 141