Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №3.
5. Issledovaniya georadarami struktury i tekushchego sostoyaniya gornyh porod, slagayushchih ustupy osnovnogo kar'era Kovdorskogo GOKa / A.I. Kalashnik, D.V. Zaporozhec, A.YU. D'yakov, S.V. Kazachkov, V.A. Soharev // Gornyj zhurnal. 2014. № 4. 6. Kalashnik A.I., D'yakov A.YU. Issledovanie vzaimosvyazi parametrov ehlektromagnitnogo zondirovaniya i napryazhennogo sostoyaniya porod ustupov kar'era // Izv. vuzov. Gornyj zhurnal. 2013. № 8. S. 58-63. I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova NORTHERN AURORAL STRUCTURES BEFORE BREAKUP AS EXTERNAL FORCE DRIVING MAGNETIC RECONNECTION Rather bright auroral arcs usually appear on the northern horizon of TV imager field of view 30-40 minutes before breakup development at the southern arc, and their appearance concers with the beginning of the substorm preliminary phase. These arcs are projected to 20-30 Re in the tail while breakup arc projection is at 5-7 Re. Northern arc generates plasma fluxes and auroral structures moving earthward (so called BBFs and streamers), pumping inner magnetosphere by hot plasma, and finally yielding a breakup development. We have measured integral arc luminosity variations (about 50 cases total), and compared them to solar wind parameters (magnetic field vector mostly) registered by ACE and WIND satellites with appropriate time shift (50-60 minutes). In many cases, rather good correlation between arc luminosity variations and solar wind parameters was found. We can suppose that if northern auroral structures have magnetic reconnection nature, this reconnection is completely initiated and controlled by solar wind, it actually operates as a kind of converter, or transformer between the energy of an external force (solar wind) and the energy of inner magnetosphere plasma. Keywords: magnetosphere, auroral breakup, magnetic reconnection. LITERATURA 1. Magnetospheric reconnection driven by solar wind pressure fronts / A. Boudouridis, E. Zesta et al. // Annales Geophysicae. 2004. Vol. 22. P. 1367-1378. 2. Villante U. and Di Giuseppe P. Some aspects of the geomagnetic response to solar wind pressure variations: a case study at low and middle latitudes // Annales Geophysicae. 2004. 22. P. 2053-2066. 3. Farrugia C. J., Grocott A. The magnetosphere under weak solar wind forcing // Annales Geophysicae. 2007. Vol. 25. P. 191-205. 4. Shue J.-H., Kamide Y., and Gjerloev J. W. Effects of solar wind density on auroral electrojets and brightness under influence of substorms // Ann. Geophys. 2009. V. 27. P.113-119. 5. Effects of a solar wind dynamic pressure increase in the magnetosphere and in the ionosphere / L. Juusola, K. Andreeva et al.// Ann. Geophys. 2010. Vol. 28. P. 1945-1959. 6. Akasofu S.I. The relationship between the magnetosphere and magnetospheric/auroral substorms // Ann. Geophys. 2013. Vol. 31. P. 387-394. Doi:10.5194/angeo-31-387-2013. P.R. Makarevich, G.A. Tarasov 35 YEARS ON SCOPES OF ARCTIC WATERS 35 years has passed since the date when the scientific research ship (SRS) “Dal’niye Zelentsy” joined the ММБИ fleet. It is a special ship designed for exploration of marine arctic systems. Since then, the SRS “Dal’niye Zelentsy” has performed more than 200 marine expeditions and navigated over 500 000 nautical miles. It helped to obtain unique scientific materials in oceanology, marine biology and ecology of the World Ocean. Keywords: Research vessel "Dalnie Zelentsy", oceanology, ecology, the World Ocean. LITERATURA 1. Tokin I.B., Tarasov G.A. Novoe nauchno-issledovatel'skoe sudno «Dal'nie Zelency» dlya issledovaniya biologii severnyh morej // Zakonomernosti bioprodukcionnyh processov v Barencevom more. Apatity: KNC RAN, 1978. S. 92-96. 2. Tokin I.B., Hasankaev V.B. Pervyj rejs NIS «Dal'nie Zelency» // Okeanologiya. 1980. T. 20, vyp. 3. S. 572-573. 3. Krasnov V.N., Balabin V.V. Istoriya nauchno- issledovatel'skogo flota Rossijskoj akademii nauk. M.: Nauka, 2005. 158 s. V.S. Zenzerov, A.E. Terekhov, N.V. Nikitin NEW DATA ON HUNTING SETTLERS OF EASTERN MURMAN FOR NOTHERN DEERS (HISTORY, NUNTING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES) The paper sets forth some new data on the reclamation history of the Kola Peninsula by the settlers of the Polar North. The data concerns features provided survival of the settlers in this arctic area where adaptation to the severe climate and capability to earn food were the main living conditions. Keywords: reindeer, hunt, Kola Peninsula, East Murman, artificial rock beds. ВЕСТНИК Кольского научного центра РАН 3/2014(18) 109
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