Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №2.
to solving matters related to the wastewater purification from toxic and radioactive substances, not in the Arctic Russia only, but also in other regions of the country. Keywords: ecological problems, radionuclides and toxicants decontam ination, wastewater, sorption, titanium sorbents, flow sheet. V.l. Demin, P.N. Sviashchennikov, B.V. Ivanov LONG-TERM VARIATIONS OF LARGE-SCALE ATMOSPHERE CIRCULATION AND THE MODERN CLIMATE WARMING AT THE KOLA PENINSULA In this research, we analyze long-term changes of air temperatures at the Kola Peninsula separately in different homogeneous groups of the circulation processes (W, E and C). It is shown that the increase of air temperatures is observed for all circulation forms. Thus, the modern warming in the region is very difficult to interpret as a result of changes in atmosphere circulation. Keywords: atmosphere circulation, A rctic climate, climate changes, Murmansk region. V.A. Dauvalter, N.A. Kashulin CHEMISTRY OF BOTTOM SEDIMENTS FROM THE SYSTEM INARI LAKE - PASVIK RIVER UNDER GLOBAL AND LOCAL POLLUTION Bottom sediments (BS) cores from the lake-river system Inari Lake - Pasvik River were collected in the seven lakes to assess the impact of mining and metallurgical plant on aquatic systems. Maximal concentrations of the studied heavy metals (HM) (Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, As) in the surface BS layers were marked in the Kuetsjarvi Lake receiving effluents of "Pechenganickel" Company. A decrease in the content of HM in the surface sediment layers was noticed downstream the Pasvik River from the place of sewage receipt though pollution remains high. In the lakes, polluted by air and municipal wastewater only, the increase in the concentrations of HM in the surface sediment layers was not recorded. HM (Ni, Cu, Co, Zn)are emitted into the atmosphere in large amounts by "Pechenganickel» Company. Conversely, a significant increase (up to 5-10 times compared to the background content) of concentrations of chalcophile elements (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) was detected. The average sedimentation rate in the studied lakes was slightly larger (1-3 mm per year) than the average rate for the lakes of the Northern Fennoscandia (less than 1 mm per year). An increase of phosphorus content towards the BS surface was noted in some lakes. This can notify the development of eutrophication processes. Keywords: bottom sediments, R ive r Pasvik, heavy metals, pollution. O.l. Vandysh, N.A. Kashulin, A.A. Cherepanov LONG-TERM CHANGES OF ZOOPLANKTON COMMUNITIES IN IMANDRA LAKE UNDER MULTILEVEL POLLUTION BY MINING PRODUCTION RUNOFFS Long-term (1996-2012) responses of zooplankton communities in different areas of a subarctic Imandra lake, namely Belaya Bay (the area polluted with wastewaters from apatite-nepheline works of the JSC «Apatite») and Babinskaya Imandra that is a conditionally clean (control) area distant from pollution sources have been analyzed. The tendency of simplification and reduction of zooplankton’ stability under technogenic influence is revealed. An assessment of present-day ecological state of the water areas is given. The obtained results complement our knowledge regarding response of hydrobionts to mining production runoffs. The possibility is shown to use zooplankton community as a reliable bioindicator for the given type of anthropogenic pressure. Keywords: Imandra lake, zooplankton, monitoring, informative community parameters, biogenic elements, m ineral suspension, eutrophication, waste water, bioindicator. A.V. Burtsev, Y.M. Nevretdinov, A.N. Sytina EXPERIENCE OF STORM ACTIVITY REGISTRATION IN THE KOLA PENINSULA'S TERRITORY Expediency of carrying out regional registration of lightning discharges is shown. Territorial distribution of data regarding lightning discharges for 2013 obtained by Boltek StormTracker Lightning Detector are provided. Possibilities to visualize the results of registrations processing and to combine them with the data about storm violations in the power network operation are shown. Keywords: Boltek StormTracker, lightning, lightings distribution, lightning strike density. 150
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