Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №2.

O.V. Shabalina HISTORY OF ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS IN PERSONAL FUNDS OF THE MUSEUM-ARCHIVE OF THE EUROPEAN NORTH INVESTIGATION AND EXPLORATION HISTORY OF THE BCH OF THE KSC RAS The paper presents personal funds of Arctic expeditions’ participants late XIX - early XX centuries. The data belong to the Museum-Archive of the European North Investigation and Exploration History of the BCH of the KSC RAS; they reflect history and conducting of the expeditions. Keywords: A rctic expeditions late X IX - early X X centuries, Museum -A rchive o f the European North Investigation and Exploration H istory o f the BCH o f the KSC RAS. N.K. Belisheva, A.A. Martynova, S.A. Pryanichnikov, N.L. Solovieva, T.S. Zavadskaja, R.E. Mikhailov, D.A. Petrashova, V.V. Pozharskaya, Zh.E. Kasparyan1, S.V. Muraviev ORGANISM’ FUNCTIONAL STATE OF DIFFERENT AGE POPULATION GROUPS IN KRASNOSHELYE VILLAGE AS AN INTEGRATED HEALTH INDICATOR FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIFE QUALITY Some results of life quality’ evaluation are described for Krasnoshchelye residents, Murmansk region. Data are based on assessment of objective and subjective components of life quality. Objective components of life quality were health indicators derived from temporal and frequency indices of heart rate variability (HRV). Subjective components were obtained by usage testing methods for health, activity, mood, personal and situational anxiety, as well as the “life quality” questionnaire SF-36. The health of all male and female age groups for Krasnoshchelye residents has been shown to be significantly lower than in the central regions of Russia, and lower than in similar age groups of Murmansk region’ residents. Subjective indicators testify to fairly high self-estimation of life quality by Krasnoshchelye residents. This “Krasnoshchelye phenomenon” manifested in objectively low health and high subjective assessment of life quality requires for further study. Keywords: life quality, health, heart rate variability, the SF-36 test. Yu.L. VoytekhovskyJ .A. Miroshnichenko INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS «ABCG HERITAGE - ARCTIC BIOLOGICAL, CULTURAL AND GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE» AND «FODD - FENNOSCANDIAN ORE DEPOSIT DATABASE» - CASE STUDIES OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE ARCTIC ZONE The article briefly outlines the history of the Geological Institute KSC RAS partaking in international projects on geotourism (ABCG Heritage) and databases on the Fennoscandian ore deposits (FODD). The first project resulted in a geotourist map of the Khibiny and the Barents Tour along Russia, Finland and Norway with guidebooks in three languages. As a result of the latter project, a map and a database on Fennoscandian minerals have been made. Both projects were implemented in frames of the Strategy of Developing the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and Providing the National Security up to 2020. Keywords: Arctic zone o f the Russian Federation, Kola Peninsula, Khibiny, international cooperation, ore deposits, database, geological tourism. T.V. Rundkvist EXPEDITIONARY ACTIVITY OF Gl KSC RAS, AIMED AT DEVELOPMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES BASE IN THE ARCTIC ZONE, GEOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS SOLUTION AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Gl KSC RAS expeditions are aimed at implementing large-scale and complex research projects in the Kola region. These works are carried out according to several main topics: works related to prognosis and study of ore deposits of strategic minerals namely platinum, palladium, gold, chromium, copper, nickel, rare earth elements; industrial minerals: apatite, building materials and other minerals; studies on migrations of the glaciation, climate changes and the dynamics of catastrophic events that took place on the territory of the western part of the Arctic zone of Russia over the past 10-15 thousand years; fundamental research in geology; experimental expeditions to study geoelectric properties of the crust and upper mantle; International scientific tourism, organizing and conducting informational geological excursions for foreign geologists to the unique objects in the Kola region. Keywords: expedition activity, geology, environmental management, international cooperation. V.Ya. Evzerov, A.N. Vinogradov, S.B. Nikolaeva GEODYNAMICS OF THE BELOMORSKAYA BASIN IN THE HOLOCENE Analysis of materials on the geological structure and tectonics of the Belomorskaya basin area suggests that this depression existed in the Middle Pleistocene and was connected to the World Ocean. It is still impossible to determine the exact formation time for this depression due to insufficient knowledge regarding the basin loose cover. However, it is most likely that the basin was formed in the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene, when the shelf subsidence began after the regressive development of the continental margin. Probably, in the Holocene the divergent regime was replaced by the transform regime. This period saw the 148