Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2014, №2.
I.... I ІМ Т С Я М Т Г С Я NATURAL AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES O.V. Shabalina History of Arctic Expeditions in Personal Funds of the Museum-Archive of the European North Investigation and Exploration History of the BCH of the KSC RAS......................... 3 N.K. Belisheva, Organism’ Functional State of Different age Population Groups in Krasnoshelye Village A.A. Martynova, as an Integrated Health Indicator for Assessment of Life Quality...................................... S.A Pryanichnikov, ig Yu.L. Voytekhovsky, International Projects «ABCG HERITAGE - ARCTIC BIOLOGICAL, CULTURAL Т А Miroshnichenko AND GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE» and «FODD - FENNOSCANDIAN ORE DEPOSIT DATABASE» - Case Studies of International Cooperation in the Arctic Zone................. 34 Т. V. Rundkvist Expeditionary Activity of Gl KSC RAS, Aimed at Development of Mineral Resources Base in the Arctic Zone, Geological Fundamental Problems Solution and International Cooperation............................................................................................. 39 V.Ya. Evzerov, Geodynamics of the Belomorskaya Basin in the Holocene................................................ 50 A.N. Vinogradov, S.B. Nikolaeva P. V Amosov, Influence of Permafrost Porosity on Thawing Depth......................................................... 58 N. V. Novozhilova A.S. Opalev, Energy-Resource-Saving Technology to Produce Magnetite-Hematite Concentrate of M.S. Khokhulya, Iron Quartzites from the Deposits Group in Zaimandra region........................................... 65 V. V. Biryukov V.F. Skorokhodov, Improvement of Technology to Extract Nepheline Concentrate........................................ 72 R.M. Nikitin, A S. Stepannikova V.T. Kalinnikov, Adaptive Technologies for Creation of Artificial Phytocenoses in Technogenically I.P. Kremenetskaya, Disturbed Subarctic Areas Contaminated with Heavy Metals........................................... 78 L.A. Ivanova A.I. Nikolaev, New Sorbents from the Waste of JSC “Apatit” LG. Gerasimova, for Radionuclides and Toxicants Decontamination............................................................. 89 M.V. Maslova V.l. Demin, Long-Term Variations of Large-Scale Atmosphere Circulation P.N. Sviashchennikov, and the Modern Climate Warming at the Kola Peninsula................................................... 98 B.V. Ivanov V.A. Dauvalter, Chemistry of Bottom Sediments From the System Inari Lake - Pasvik River N A. Kashulin Under Global and Local Pollution....................................................................................... 103 О I. Vandysh, Long-Term Changes of Zooplankton Communities in Imandra Lake Under Multilevel N.A. Kashulin, Pollution by Mining Production Runoffs.............................................................................. 118 A A. Cherepanov A. V. Burtsev, Experience of Storm Activity Registration in the Kola Peninsula's Territory...................... 126 Y.M. Nevretdinov, A.N. Sytina CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS 134 NEW BOOKS...................................................................................................................... 136 ANNIVERSARIES................................................................................................................ 138 AD MEMORIAM.................................................................................................................. 144 CONTENTS......................................................................................................................... 147 147
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