Вестник Кольского научного центра РАН. 2012, №1.

V.K. Karzhavin CHAIN PROCESS, EXPLOSION PIPES, DIAMONDS The paper demonstrates a brief analysis of publications devoted to natural diamond origin. The numerical methods have confirmed a possibility of diamond origin under low pressure and temperature by the example of natural samples. Diamonds generate simultaneously with the emergence of free carbon when carbonates decompose in the nonequilibrium reducing setting. We believe that explosion pipes could form due to a chain process under the interaction of igneous hydrogen and air oxygen. Enormous heat generated, pressure, and instantaneously increasing temperature in the local volume of an explosion pipe are quite sufficient to decompose and transform carbonates into diamonds, graphite, and newly formed minerals. Keywords: carbonates, carbon, generation of diamonds, explosion pipes, pressure, temperature. V.L. Il’chenko TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC MODEL OF THE EARTH CRUST BLOCK AS OF AN OSCILLATION SYSTEM (ON EXAMPLE OF THE PECHENGA BLOCK, KOLA PENINSULAR) The model of tectonic layering of the Pechenga block crust as of an oscillating system with the periodic nature of the excitation due to energy of the lunar-solar tides and the activation of geodynamic processes in the decay period is presented. The paper draws on the elastic properties of the core of the Kola Superdeep borehole and of rocks from the surface of the Pechenga block. Confirmation of the model is the high coincidence accuracy of the model boundaries with intervals of rocks - stress raisers at the comparison of the model fragment (interval 0-12 km) with dynamic rock types in the SD-3 section. The phenomenon of wave control over geodynamic processes (taken as the basic idea), considering its global nature, requires further, more detailed study. Keywords: anizotropy, geodynamics, stress state, decay oscillations, tectonostratigraphic model, standing wave, Pechenga block. M.I. Dubrovsky ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH MATTER FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A NEW HYPOTHESIS Trofimov-Lesovoy’s new model of the Earth origin under consideration differs radically from the old one in that it does not consider the initial protomatter of our planet to be constant. According to this model, the interaction of the core and cosmic radiation results in continuous producing of various elements and isotopes which leads to an increase of both the amount and volume of the matter. In this case quite a lot of heat energy is released which causes realization of various geological processes. The recognition of the new model allows solving many geological problems that could not be solved in the context of the old hypothesis. In the paper we compared the results obtained when solving some geological problems in the context of the old and new hypotheses. The comparison definitely points to the advantage of the new hypothesis. This should draw the attention of researchers to it and increase the number of its supporters. Keywords: new hypothesis of the Earth formation, apeiron-protomatter, element producing, increase of the matter amount. 205