Вестник МГТУ, 2023, Т. 26, № 4.

Пашенцев С. В. Нейронные сети как инструмент совершенствования математической модели. Referenses Nikolenko, S., Kadurin, A., Arkhangelskaya, E. 2018. Deep learning. Dive into the world of neural networks. Saint Petersburg. (In Russ.) Pashentsev, S. V., Poznyakov, S. I. 2006. Evaluation of the influence of the parameters of mathematical models of the ship on its maneuvering characteristics. The program is deposited in the copyright protection agency (RosAPO). Sert. No. 2006612406, 07/10/2006. (In Russ.) Pozdnyakov, S. I., Yudin, Yu. I. 2006. Comparison of mathematical models in terms of coefficients of influence. Vestnik o fMSTU, 9(2), pp. 241-245. EDN: ICJVKJ. (In Russ.) Pashentsev, S. V. 2018. A software package for constructing a mathematical model of a vessel according to a theoretical drawing and its testing in 16 operating modes, taking into account external influences. The complex was deposited in the federal service (FSISPTZ). Cert. No. 2018615122, 04/26/2018. (In Russ.) Redko, V. G. 2022. Evolution, neural networks, intelligence: Models and concepts of evolutionary cybernetics. Moscow. (Synergetics: from past to future; N 23) (In Russ.) Handbook of ship theory. 1985. Ed. Ya. I. Voytkunsky. 3 vol. Leningrad. Vol. 1. Hydromechanics. Resistance to vessel traffic. Ship propulsors. (In Russ.) Khaikin, S. 2019. Neural networks: Full course. Moscow. (In Russ.) Yudin, Yu. I., Pashentsev, S. V. 2015. Identification of the mathematical model of the ship. Moscow. (In Russ.) Bishop, C. M. 2006. Pattern recognition and machine learning. Springer. Clevert, D., Unterthiter, T., Hochreiter, S. 2015. Fast and accurate deep network learning by exponential linear units (ELUs). URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.07289.pdf. Hagan, M. T., Demuth, H. B., Beale, M. H., De Jesis, O. 2014. Neural network design. Boston. Satish, Annigeri. 2009. Scilab: A Hands on Introduction. URL: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~cs626-449/scilab.pdf. Сведения об авторе Пашенцев Сергей Владимирович - ул. Спортивная, 13, г. Мурманск, Россия, 183010; Мурманский арктический университет, канд. физ.-мат. наук, профессор; e-mail : serpass15@yahoo.com^O RCID : https://orcid.org/00 00-0003-1512-341X Sergey V. Pashentsev - 13 Sportivnaya Str., Murmansk, Russia, 183010; Murmansk Arctic University, Cand. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), Professor; e-mail : serpass15@yahoo.com, ORCID : https://orcid.org/00 00-0003-1512-341X 488