Вестник МГТУ, 2023, Т. 26, № 2.
Vestnik of MSTU. 2023. Vol. 26, N 2 DOI : https://doi.org/10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-2 / Biological Sciences / Earth Sciences C O N T E N T S Biological Sciences Alekhnovich A. V. Populations of long-clawed crayfish Pontastacus leptodactylus: Effect of commercial fishing on the size and age structure......................................................................................................... 93 Vdovin A. N., Chetyrbotsky A. N., Izmyatinsky D. V. The interaction of endogenous and exogenous factors in the biological rhythms of the Arabesque greenling Pleurogrammus azonus in the Primorie waters........................................................................................................................................... 99 Malavenda S. V., Nikulina V. D. Features of the population structure of Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) in different areas of the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea, 2021.......................... 112 Pakhomov M. V., Zaytsev A. A., Litvinov Yu. V., Troshichev A. R. Application of tonal audiometry methods to assess the hearing of gray seals in air and water environments......................................... 121 Short Communications Article Gontar V. I., Sharapova T. A. New species of freshwater bryozoans Plumatella sibirica (Phylactolaemata), Western Siberia (Russia)............................................................................................................................ 131 Earth Sciences Goryachev A. A., Makarov D. V., Potapov S. S., Belyaevskiy A. T., Semushin V. V., Kompanchenko A. A. Processing of ore from the Nud II deposit by the method of low-temperature roasting with ammonium sulfate............................................................................................................... 137 Latyuk E. S., Goryachev A. A., Kompanchenko A. A. Recovery of non-ferrous metals from sulfide ores by bioleaching on the example of the Allarechensk technogenic deposit..................................... 150 Kuzina Z. Ya., Nevedrova N. N., Sanchaa А. M. Structural features of the upper part of the section of the Gorniy Altai Uimon depression according to electrotomography data using 3D software...... 160 Kuznetcov N. N., Kondrashov L. Yu. Rockburst hazard potential assessment of rocks of the Khibiny massif deposits according to the Kaiser criterion................................................................................... 170 Neradovsky Yu. N. Reconstruction of the conditions for the formation of red-colored sandstones of the Tersky coast based on a comparative analysis of the structure of ancient and modern deposits (Kola Peninsula).......................................................................................................................................... 180 Shcheglov G. A. Changes of inorganic nitrogen compounds concentration in a mining enterprise wastewater by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 191 Bookshelf Podobed N. Е. Methodological materials for the training of technical specialists in new conditions......... 200
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