Вестник МГТУ, 2022, Т. 25, № 1.
Козлов Н. Е. и др. Геологическое строение района Устоярви. References Borisova, V. V., Borisov, A. E., Smolkin, V. F. 1991. A new manifestation of komatiite volcanism on the Kola Peninsula. Doklady nauk SSSR, 316(1), pp. 196-199. (In Russ.) Borisova, V. V., Borisov, A. E., Smolkin, V. F., Rezhenova, S. A. 1999. Genesis of porphyroblastic olivines in komatiites of the Kola Peninsula. Proceedings o f the Russian Mineralogical Society, CXXVII(2), pp. 63-71. (In Russ.) Voronyaeva, L. V. 2003. Geological structure and potential for gold of the Late Archaean Ustoyarvi Granite- Greenstone Area, the north-western Kola Peninsula. Ores andMetals, 2, pp. 51-62. (In Russ.) Voronyaeva, L. V., Pozhilenko, V. I. 2008. The Ustoyarvi - fragment of the granite-greenstone area (western part of the Murmansk domain). Trudy Fersmanovskoi nauchnoi sessii GIKNts, 5, pp. 120-123. (In Russ.) Vrevsky, A. B. 1980. Komatiites from the Early Precambrian Polmos-Poros belt (the Kola Peninsula). Doklady nauk SSSR, 252(3), pp. 1216-1219. (In Russ.) Vrevsky, A. B. 1989. Petrology and geodynamic regimes of development of the Archean lithosphere (on the example of the northeastern part of the Baltic Shield). Ed. D. V. Rundkvist. Moscow. (In Russ.) Dubrovsky, М. I. 2012. Conditions of generation of komatiitic magmas. Lithosphere, 2, pp. 152-159. (In Russ.) Kozlov, N. Е., Martynov, Е. V., Ivanov, А. А. 1999. Features of petrogeochemical differences between main rocks of ensialic and ensiamatic complexes (comparative analysis of the Phanerozoic and Precambrian). Geokhimiya, 6, pp. 582-588. (In Russ.) Magmatic and metamorphic rock complexes from an ultra-deep well. 1986. Ed. Е. А. Kozlovsky. Leningrad. (In Russ.) Report on implementation of prospecting and mapping works, scale 1 : 25 000, for complex minerals on the coast of the Barents Sea (the Varanger fjord). 1999. In 5 books. Eds. L. V. Voronyaeva, S. S. Karavaev, N. Ya. Yurkov et al. Monchegorsk. (In Russ.) Pozhilenko, V. I., Gavrilenko, B. V., Zhirov, D. V., Zhabin, S. V. 2002. Geology of ore areas in the Murmansk region. Apatity. (In Russ.) Predovsky, А. А. 1980. Reconstruction of conditions for sedimentation and volcanism in the Early Precambrian. Leningrad. (In Russ.) Smolkin, V. F. 1992. Komatiitic and picritic magmatism in the Baltic Shield in the Early Precambrian. Ed. А. N. Vinogradov. Saint Petersburg. (In Russ.) Smolkin, V. F., Borisova, V. V., Svetlov, S. A., Borisov, А. Е. 2000. Late Archaean komatiites of the Ura-Guba- Titovka structure, the north-western Kola region. Petrologiya, 8(2), pp. 199-224. (In Russ.) Сведения об авторах Козлов Николай Евгеньевич - ул. Ферсмана, 14, г. Апатиты, Мурманская обл., Россия, 184209; Геологический институт КНЦ РАН, д-р геол.-минерал. наук, профессор; e-mail : kozlov.n.e@yandex.ru Nikolay E. Kozlov - 14 Fersmana Str., Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia, 184209; Geological Institute KSC RAS, Dr Sci. (Geol. & Miner.), Professor; e-mail: kozlov.n.e@yandex.ru Сорохтин Николай Олегович - Нахимовский пр., 36, Москва, Россия, 117997; Институт океанологии им. П. П. Ширшова РАН, д-р геол.-минерал. наук, гл. науч. сотрудник; e-mail : nsorokhtin@mail.ru Nikolay O. Sorokhtin - 36 Nakhimovsky Ave., Moscow, Russia, 117997; Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Dr Sci. (Geol. & Miner.), Chief Researcher; e-mail: nsorokhtin@mail.ru Козлова Наталия Евгеньевна - пенсионер, работала ул. Ферсмана, 14, г. Апатиты, Мурманская обл., Россия, 184209; Геологический институт КНЦ РАН Natalia E. Kozlova - Retired Researcher, former work 14 Fersmana Str., Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia, 184209; Geological Institute KSC RAS Мартынов Евгений Васильевич - ул. Ферсмана, 14, г. Апатиты, Мурманская обл., Россия, 184209; Геологический институт КНЦ РАН, канд. геол.-минерал. наук, ст. науч. сотрудник; e-mail: mart@geoksc.apatity.ru Eugeny V. Martynov - 14 Fersmana Str., Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia, 184209; Geological Institute KSC RAS, Cand. Sci. (Geol. & Miner.), Senior Researcher; e-mail: mart@geoksc.apatity.ru 26
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