Вестник МГТУ, 2021, Т. 24, № 2.

Шеков В. A. Природные риски и системы мониторинга. The route begins in the left gallery, then visitors follow to the marble hall with spectacular lighting and music; in winter time there is a collection of ice figures. Visual examination of the walls and roof of the underground space has allowed reveal several areas which can pose a danger to visitors. As an example, a visitor can distinguish the area located in the right gallery (Fig. 11) at the exit of the underground route. Here, the arched entrance is broken by various systems of cracks, which lead to the appearance of dangerously overhanging monoliths, weighing 300-400 kg, located directly above the route, as shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 11. Fragment of the marble hall with the pillar and the path for tourists, the actual height of the pillars is shown in Fig. 1. The water is frozen (photo by V. Shekov) Рис. 11. Фрагмент мраморного зала с колонной и тропой для туристов, фактическая высота столбов показана на рис. 1. Вода полностью замерзла (фото В. Шекова) Fig. 12. The character of the cracking on the site adjacent to the exit of the gallery (photo by V. Shekov) Рис. 12. Характер трещиноватости на участке, примыкающем к выходу из галереи (фото В. Шекова) 222