Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 3.

Вербицкий С. Б. и др. Конструкция, расчет и применение. The medium resistance o f a rotationally moving horizontal blade is determined by the formula , (,9 ) where z = 1 - the number o f blades o f the type, then 1x 84 x 0.015 x 0.373 , p = ---------------------------= 0.016 kgm/s. (20) For a vertically rotating blade, the resistance o f the medium is determined by the formula K x h x r n 3 ( 4 n Pi = ------ 4 ------ x ( r2 - ri ) , (21) where h - the blade height, m; ш - the angular speed o f rotation o f the blades, s-1. nx n 3.14 x12 -i и = ------ = -------------= 1.27 s 1 , (22) 30 30 where r 2 - the outer radius o f blade rotation, m; r 1 - the inner radius o f blade rotation, m. p 2 = 84 x 0.42 x1.27 x (0.2984 - 0.2334) = 0.093 kgm/s. (23) For a vertically rotating blade-activator, the resistance o f the medium is determined by the formula K x h х и 3 / 4 4x Рз = ------ 4------ x ( Г4 - Г34) , (24) where h - the height o f the activator blade, m; ш - the angular speed o f rotation o f the blades, s-1. nx n 3.14 x12 _i и = ------ = -------------= 1.27 s 1 , (25) 30 30 where r4 - the outer radius o f rotation o f the activator blade, m; r 3 - the inner radius o f rotation o f the activator blade, m. p 3 = 84 x 0 x l.27 x ( 0.2554 - 0.0574) = 0.036 kgm/s. (26) We determine the total resistance o f the medium to the rotation o f all blades P = p 1 + p 2 + p 3 = 0.016 + 0.093 + 0.036 = 0.145 kgm/s. (27) Then the drive power o f the meat mixer when working in a horizontal position P N = --------- , (28) 102 x n where у = 0.63 is the efficiency o f the drive, then N = 0 145 = 0.0023 kW. (29) 102 x 0.63 The resulting power value does not exceed the rated power o f the selected geared motor. The calculations made it possible to create a modern non-metal-intensive design o f a vacuum machine for mixing minced meat and/or massaging meat raw materials, which meets modern requirements for equipment for the specified purpose and is not inferior in terms o f technical characteristics and technological capabilities, similar to meat processing machines imported from abroad. In accordance with the above-described express algorithm for studying the quality parameters o f the ground meat subjected to mixing, comparative studies were carried out, covering 5 samples o f the ground meat - processed on the atmospheric horizontal meat mixer L5-FM2-U-150 (the first sample) and four samples processed in the experimental mixer (samples from the second to the fifth one). The results o f the measurements performed are shown in Table 3. 232