Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 3.

Вестник МГТУ. 2020. Т. 23, № 3. С. 224-236. DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-3-224-236 Results and discussion There are two basic design layouts o f meat mixers: with horizontal and vertical arrangement o f the working shaft (working shafts). Much more often, the subject o f consideration o f scientists and specialists is horizontal meat mixers, and numerous scientific and technical sources are devoted to them, for example (Angel’uk et al., 2014a; b). Scientists and designers o f our scientific institution were also engaged in the development o f devices o f this type - meat mixers Ya5-FFE.150 and Ya5-FFE.300 with coaxial spiral working bodies, protected by the Patents o f Ukraine for a useful model (Shevchenko et al., 2007; 2008). These designs differ from each other by the drive o f the working spirals: if in (Shevchenko et al., 2007) both spirals are rigidly connected to each other (Fig. 1), then in (Shevchenko et al., 2008) the applied drive scheme ensures their rotation at different speeds, due to which the mixing o f the components o f the ground meat is more intensive. Sometimes ground meat mixing machines are equipped with two ellipsoidal blades rotating in opposite directions, with the small blade rotating in the sphere o f the large blade. There are horizontal meat mixers with working bodies in the form o f augers, with working bodies being Z-shaped or o f another configuration. The technical characteristics o f some domestic meat mixers - horizontal machines L5-FM2-U-150 and FMV-0.15, as well as a vertical type experimental vacuum meat mixer Ya5-FFV o f our own design are presented in Table 1. ] К Fig. 1. Meat mixer with working bodies in the form o f coaxial ribbon spirals rigidly connected to each other: 1 - frame; 2 - working bowl; 3 - product unloading hatch; 4 - hatch cover for product unloading; 5 - cover o f the working bowl; 6 - easily removable working body; 7 - drive; 8 - vacuum pump; 9 - vacuum system (Shevchenko et al., 2007) Рис. 1. Фаршемешалка с рабочими органами в виде коаксиальных ленточных спиралей, жестко связанных между собой: 1 - рама; 2 - рабочая дежа; 3 - люк для выгрузки продукта; 4 - крышка люка для выгрузки продукта; 5 - крышка рабочей дежи; 6 - легкосъемный рабочий орган; 7 - привод; 8 - вакуумный насос; 9 - вакуумная система (Shevchenko et al., 2007) 227