Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 1.
Scientific. A total of 11 676 chemical element measurements was performed. Further analysis of the collected data taking into account the reference sample showed that the measured concentrations in mg/kg are characterized by a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 5.5-16.7 % and a correlation coefficient of R2= 0.997 (Table 1). Thus, the relative measurement error did not exceed the permissible values for the chemical elements identified in this study, including HMs (Светов и др., 2015). Table 1. The results of chemical composition measurements in mg/kg of the certified standard BIL-1 by ICP-MS using an X-Series 2 quadrupole mass spectrometer by Thermo Fisher Scientific at Analysis Center of IG KarRC RAS in 2016-2018 Таблица 1. Результаты измерений химического состава (в мг/кг) сертифицированного стандарта BIL-1 ICP-MS с использованием масс-спектрометра X-Series 2 фирмы Thermo Fisher Scientific в Аналитическом центре ИГ КарНЦ РАН в 2016-2018 гг. Element DL BIL-1at. ± BIL-1meas., n = 32 RSDabs. RSDrei., % Li 0.24 37.00 4.00 40.33 2.56 6.3 Sc 8.9 13.00 2.00 16.00 2.35 14.7 Ti 5.5 n/a n/a 3 712.47 406.88 11.0 V 3.1 110.00 10.00 106.19 10.69 10.1 Cr 2.5 66.00 4.00 66.24 6.18 9.3 Mn 0.46 n/a n/a 3 110.09 274.90 8.8 Co 0.034 18.00 2.00 16.16 0.98 6.1 Ni 6.2 54.00 6.00 50.09 4.44 8.9 Cu 0.68 52.00 7.00 48.28 3.24 6.7 Zn 0.51 96.00 14.00 102.59 5.61 5.5 Rb 0.086 93.00 5.00 95.40 6.38 6.7 Sr 0.13 266.00 30.00 262.43 19.73 7.5 Y 0.1 30.00 4.00 23.59 1.52 6.5 Zr 0.22 156.00 13.00 89.43 12.11 13.5 Nb 0.02 12.00 2.00 10.69 1.04 9.8 Mo 0.1 2.90 0.50 3.53 0.37 10.6 Cd 0.01 n/a n/a 0.32 0.05 16.5 Sn 0.21 3.20 0.50 2.85 0.48 16.7 Sb 0.024 0.95 n/r 0.84 0.12 14.3 Cs 0.005 6.00 1.00 5.63 0.42 7.5 Ba 4.3 710.00 70.00 698.40 47.36 6.8 La 0.01 45.00 6.00 41.59 2.89 6.9 Ce 0.012 80.00 5.00 73.15 7.35 10.1 Pr 0.02 8.00 n/r 9.21 0.86 9.3 Nd 0.005 39.00 5.00 35.56 2.16 6.1 Sm 0.002 7.00 1.00 6.87 0.41 6.0 Eu 0.001 1.40 0.20 1.37 0.08 6.0 Gd 0.001 5.80 n/r 5.74 0.35 6.2 Tb 0.002 0.90 0.10 0.84 0.05 6.4 Dy 0.002 4.60 n/r 4.51 0.27 6.0 Ho 0.001 1.00 n/r 0.87 0.06 6.4 Er 0.001 2.60 n/r 2.51 0.16 6.5 Tm 0.001 0.42 n/r 0.36 0.03 7.5 Yb 0.001 2.90 0.40 2.38 0.15 6.5 Lu 0.001 0.40 0.05 0.35 0.03 7.5 Hf 0.001 3.90 0.70 2.44 0.19 7.7 W 0.03 4.30 n/r 3.83 0.34 8.9 Tl 0.057 n/a n/a 0.55 0.07 12.0 Pb 0.21 21.00 3.00 20.91 1.31 6.3 Bi 0.073 n/a n/a 0.47 0.07 14.6 Th 0.008 12.70 1.30 13.57 1.14 8.4 U 0.004 12.00 1.10 11.92 1.00 8.4 Notes. DL - the element detection limit, ± - the certified range of measurement error, RSDabs.- the absolute measurement error, RSDrd. - the relative measurement error, n/a - the element not certified, n/r - the measurement error range not calculated.
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