Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 1.

C O N T E N T S Geology and Geophysics Demahin A. Yu. Study of the structure and seismicity of the near-surface zone of the Earth's crust at the White Sea seismogenic zone on the Kola Peninsula.......................................................................... 5 Zhirova A. M. Residual magnetization of various genetic rocks and ores of the Kola region under the influence of mechanical oscillations................................................................................................... 13 Zueva I. A., Lebedev A. A. Seismic effect of industrial explosions of GOK Kostomuksha....................... 22 Kalinin A. A., Savchenko Ye. E. Structures of sulfide melt crystallization as an indication of metamorphism of the ores in the Oleninskoe gold deposit............................................................. 29 Kozlov N. Е., Sorokhtin N. О., Martynov Е. V., Marchuk Т. S. Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Keivy domain (Baltic Shield)............................................................................................................. 38 Nitkina E. A., Kaulina T. V., Kozlov N. E. The ages and rock mineral composition of the Pechenga eastern frame, the Kola region............................................................................................................ 46 Geoecology Glazova V. A., Gaponenkov I. A., Fiodorova O. A., Dauvalter V. A. Fadeev Stream and spring of the same name: Water quality and geo-ecological characteristics............................................................ 57 Makarov D. V., Borovichev E. A., Klyuchnikova E. M., Masloboev V. A. Environmental protection and sustainable development of the mining industry in Murmansk Region, Russia.......................... 63 Mining Gusak S. A., Orlov A. O., Smirnov Yu. G., Biryukov V. V., Palivoda A. A. Assessment of the efficiency of passive thermal protection system of rock massif........................................................ 72 Oceanology Slukovskii Z. I. Background concentrations of heavy metals and other chemical elements in the sediments of small lakes in the south of Karelia, Russia.................................................................... 80 Chickiryov I. V., Ulyantsev A. S., Nikiforov S. L., Sorokhtin N. O., Ananiev R. A., Dmitrevsky N. N., Libina N. V., Kovalev G. A. Comparative lithological characteristics of modern sediments of the Kara and Pechora Seas........................................................................................................................ 93