Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 1.
the sedimentary cover of the Keivy domain. This seems reasonable, but it has to be understood that almost over the past 3 billion years high-carbon rock sequences were naturally transformed into graphite. The sulfur contained in the hydrocarbons of that time passed into sulphides. Thus, the entire data pool about the geodynamic history of the Keivy domain may indicate a high chance of finding carbonaceous shale deposits there with promises of gold content. This follows from the point that Early Proterozoic hydrocarbon basins had a bacterial origin, accumulated in warm and humid settings and could concentrate certain metals. Their main part was oxidized with time and removed by hydrothermal flows as a result of superimposed metamorphic processes. More inert gold, though, could remain in situ and form finely dispersed impregnations in graphite schists. This is still an assumption, which requires further close examination. Conclusions The data related to the geodynamic evolution of the Keivy rock units obtained during this research allow implying that the metallogenic prediction on the basis of geodynamic reconstructions seems to be a promising trend for further studies. It is particularly essential for Early Precambrian regions since the authors have earlier described and validated a polycyclic and multistage mechanism for the enrichment of the continental Earth's crust with ore elements, which results in the increasing concentrations of commercial components in ore bodied from ancient to juvenile complexes both in the Phanerozoic and Precambrian. The present geodynamic and geochemical research allows explaining generation of aluminum feedstock unique in terms of volume within the Keivy median massif. As well, the paper scrutinizes a multistage transformation mechanism of the regional continental-crust rock assemblages and generation of commercial aluminum raw material. It is also believed that the carbonaceous shales of the Keivy domain may be enriched with nanogold and become one of the major gold- bearing provinces of the Kola Peninsula along with high-alumina formations. Acknowledgments The study has been carried out in the framework of the state orders No. 0149-2019-0005 and No. 0226 2019-0052. References Batieva, I. D. 1976. Petrology of alkaline granitoids on the Kola Peninsula. Leningrad. (In Russ.) Bayanova, T. B., Vetrin, V. R., Levkovich, N. V., Apanasevich, E. A. 1998. A Late Archean age of the Ponoy alkaline granite massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Abstracts Svekalapko, Europrobe project. Repino, p. 11. Bel'kov, I. V. 1963. Kyanite schists of the Keivy. Moscow ; Leningrad. (In Russ.) Belyaev, О. А., Mitrofanov, F. P., Bayanova, Т. B. et al. 2001. Late Archean age of acid metavolcanites of the Maly Keivy area (Kola Peninsula). Doklady RAS, 379(5), pp. 651-654. (In Russ.) Fomina, E., Kozlov, E., Lokhov, K., Lokhova, O. et al. 2019. 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