Вестник МГТУ. 2020, Т. 23, № 1.

Keivy domain and surrounding rock units such as the Murmansk domain from the north, White Sea mobile belt and Tersky domain from the south, Kola-Norwegian domain from the west, and Chapoma and East-Kola terrains from the east. The essence of the method is as follows. Fig. 3. Scheme of location of the study areas within the Keivy domain (Козлов и др., 2019) Рис. 3. Схема расположения исследуемых участков в пределах Кейвского домена (Козлов и др., 2019) The initial stage of correlation is based on the first pair of targets (Fig. 4), for example, the Keivy (X) and the Murmansk domains (Y) represented by the sets of n-dimensional vectors X = {.X, | 1 < i < /} and Y = {Y,|1 < i < m}. It is necessary to evaluate the distance from the set of points X to the set of points Y. This is proposed to rely on the following procedure: 1. The set Y is divided into homogenous groups {Yk}. For each vector X G X the Euclidean distance (or proximity) to the convex hull of each found homogenous groups {co(Yk)}, i. e. p(X,co(Yk)). After that, minimum distances to the convex hull of each homogenous group Yk, i. e. rik = mink p(X,co(Yk)) are derived from the set {p(X,co(Yk))}. 2. The median value Me(R1) is calculated for the resultant set R1 = {rik}. 3. The median value Me(R1) is taken as the proximity estimate between the study objects X and Y, i. e. R(X,Y). This procedure is repeated through steps 1, 2 and 3 performed for further compared pairs: • Keivy domain and Kola-Norwegian domain; • Keivy domain and White Sea mobile belt together with the Tersky domain. Fig. 4. Defining the proximity between study objects X and Y, where X is the selected n-dimensional vector, {Y1,Y 2 ,Y3} - homogenous groups (hatching indicates borders of convex hulls of homogenous groups), {p 1 ,p 2 ,p3}- distances fromX to convex hulls of homogenous groups, i. e. to {co(Y 1 ),co(Y 2 ),co(Y3)} (Козлов и др., 2019) Рис. 4. Определение близости между исследуемыми объектами X и Y, где X - выбранный n-мерный вектор, {Y 1 ,Y 2 ,Y3} - однородные группы (штриховкой обозначены границы выпуклых оболочек однородных групп {Y 1 ,Y 2 ,Y3}), {p 1 ,p 2 ,p3} - расстояния отX до выпуклых оболочек однородных групп, т. е. до {co(Y 1 ),co(Y 2 ),co(Y3)} (Козлов и др., 2019)