Вестник МГТУ. 2019, Т. 22, № 4.

Fig. 3. Stress - strain data from WP300.20 GUNT® Hamburg universal material tester Рис. 3. Данные, полученные с помощью тестера GUNT® Hamburg, на экране монитора Infrared Thermography The test specimens were monitored with the infrared thermography throughout the course of the tensile tests using FLIR® T1030sc thermal camera4 and analyzed using Researcher IR Max software5 (Fig. 4), to investigate the heat generation associated due the thermoelastic/thermoplastic effects. With the use of thermography, the infrared wavelengths emitted from the test specimen were observed in high-definition thermal images. The rate of energy emitted as thermal radiation is highly dependent on the surface temperature. Small temperature changes in the test specimens generate visible thermal readings. Similar studies have been carried out by (Khawaja et al., 2016; Taimur et al., 2016; 2019; Tanveer et al., 2017). , FUR Re*eacchIR Млк+HSDR • tert2_roomtemp.*cq (FUR T1030«c 28__102-4x768 ADBitv 16) _ D X Fie Ed* Сатегд Took rtdp locks. i k | и V» Ч р < а В | Temperature (factory) - [с - (Г Cemwa Control АЫ м а — H - j c T " ♦ ▲ m 439 a lt 406 ! I Sm 363 Cfc>ect Parameters v Override Camera/We Object Efebmty (0 to 1): 0 % я м I и F I 336 315 294 C*£«xe (m): 0.3 l a 272 Reflected Тел* (*C): Airro4£fcere 25 “ ' К : I 251 Afcmospher»: Te*rp (*C): P * T 228 Retjtrve Пжг*Ху (%): 500 Б « ► L 19$ Тгапетшюп (0 to 1) I voo ~ □ — __ 11 -1 --------- □ External Optics 1 \44 и « 1 • ► ►► hi 12 Tenderdtve (*<C): [2 0 0 ImageEnhancenMTtt " Transmsston(0 to 1): [T o o Metadata A 1 (S61, 451) 22.55 0.9 Кг 12 Fig. 4. FLIR Research IR Max software-window Рис. 4. Программное обеспечение FLIR Research IR Max Flir Systems, Inc. URL: http://www.flir.eu/aboutFLIR/. 5Research IR user’s guide. URL: https://assets.techedu.com/assets/1/26/FLIR_ResearchIR_User_Manual1.pdf.