Вестник МГТУ. 2019, Т. 22, № 3.
enriched with the target pigment. The result obtained is well illustrated by the absorption spectra of the extracts from frozen F. vesiculosus thalli that have been stored for 6 months (Fig. 2). The study also examined the effect of storage and heat treatment on the ethanol extract of A. nodosum . During algae processing in order to obtain BAS, it may be necessary to store intermediate products, such as ethanol extracts. It is important to determine the possible shelf life of such a product in terms of typical cold rooms used in manufacturing. The maximum shelf life of pigment extracts was limited to 30 days, as most often required. To study the effect of thermal processing of the extract vacuum evaporation was used - the most common method of concentrating ethanol extracts in the galenic industry. Wavelength (nm) Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of F. vesiculosus extracts: 1- first extraction (5 min), 2 - second extraction (10 min), 3 - exhaustive extraction Рис. 2. Спектр поглощения экстрактов F. vesiculosus: 1- первая экстракция 5 мин, 2 - вторая экстракция - 10 мин, 3 - исчерпывающая экстракция The study was performed with the extract obtained in the first stage of extraction at 5 minute exposure. The pigment content was determined by HPLC immediately after receiving the extracts, and then on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 30th day of storage. It was established that in the studied extract stored in the refrigerator for 30 days the amount of fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a did not change. In addition, after evaporation of the extract under vacuum on a rotary evaporator at 50 °C, the amount of fucoxanthin also practically did not change, and the amount of chlorophyll a significantly decreased (Fig. 3). This is also shown on pigment chromatograms (Fig. 4). This method can be used to obtain a purer fucoxanthin fraction without using additional purification steps and other organic solvents. Fig. 3. The pigments content in the extract of A. nodosum during storage at 4 °C and after vacuum evaporation at 50 °C, mg/ml Рис. 3. Содержание пигментов в экстракте из водорослей A. nodosum в процессе хранения при 4 °С и вакуум-выпаривании при 50 °С, мг/мл
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