Вестник МГТУ. 2018, №4.

Пашенцев С. В. Моделирование циклических реверсивных движений судна... The simulation of cyclic reversing movements shows that it can be used for simulating any rectilinear maneuvers of the vessel (i. e. without using the rudder). It is sufficient to change the function of the statutory revolutions (the second line in Fig. 5). Let us change it to function: nU пО - 2п0 ■ cos I ----- I Т О nUst(t) Kv nO i f nU > О nU <— пО otherwise return nU (11) This means that the statutory revolutions of ahead and reverse speed n 0 are maintained for some time. In this case the conduct of the screw rotation speed and vessel velocity will have the graph shown in Fig. 11. Thus, a mere restatement of the function of the statutory revolutions nUst(t) allows to solve completely new tasks of modelling rectilinear maneuvers. This particular method is used in the VB6 maneuvering simulator programme for creating an interface control of the vessel's movement, Fig. 12 (similar to the engine order telegraph). Moving the vertical slider on the right side by means of the mouse actually changes the statutory revolutions, and the control system switches to them at the real time rate. The change is indicated by darkening the vertical bar next to the slider. Fig. 11. The change of ship's velocity due to the change of statutory revolutions from (5) to (11) Рис. 11. Изменение скорости хода и оборотов винта при смене функции уставных оборотов с (5) на (11) Fig. 12. The control interface of the maneuvering in the VB6 simulator programme Рис. 12. Интерфейс управления ходами судна в тренажерной программе маневрирования (VB6) 574