Вестник МГТУ. 2018, №4.
Пашенцев С. В. Моделирование циклических реверсивных движений судна... Fig. 7. The temporal variation of the engine torque kM x Mdv, the screw torque kQ x Qq, and the angular acceleration dn 1 Рис. 7. Изменение во времени момента двигателя kM x Mdv , момента винта kQ x Qq и углового ускорения винта dn} Fig. 8. The temporal variation of the screw blade inflow angle P (Be) Рис. 8. Изменение во времени угла P (Be) набегания потока на лопасть винта The two positions on these graphs (where the curves almost simultaneously cross the abscissa axis) are found by tracing which defines the left point of the paralysis mode P i = 112 ° (transition from ahead to reverse) and the right point p 2 = 292 ° (transition from reverse to ahead). Having found these coordinates, it is possible to refer to Fig. 9, where the two values o f the angles p 1 and p 2 reveal the moments of time when they are reached: T i = 796 s and T 2 = 1573 s. Therefore, we display the graphics of Fig. 10 in the range with a margin including 572
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