Вестник МГТУ. 2018, №4.
Вестник МГТУ. 2018. Т. 21, № 4. С. 566-576. DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-4-566-576 These equations allow represent graphically the other components of the solution. Fig. 6 shows the forces and linear acceleration defined in the first differential equation. Fig. 6. The temporal variation of the propeller thrust kT x Tt, hydraulic resistance force kV x V|V|, and the ship's linear acceleration dv 1 Рис. 6. Изменение во времени силы тяги винта kT x Tt , сопротивления водной среды kV x V | V | и линейного ускорения судна dv 1 In Fig. 7, there are moments and angular acceleration in the second differential equation. Fig. 8 completes the graphic series, where the time variation of the angle в is presented, the angle defines the introduction of the screw action coefficients to the curves. The paralysis mode The qualitative analysis of these graphs (Fig. 7) demonstrates that all the parameters of the obtained solution change cyclically with the period T 0 = 1200 s. The most interesting ones are linear and angular accelerations, especially the latter. The last graph in Fig. 7 shows very peculiar changes in some time intervals. For a more detailed study of the accelerations, they are shown in Fig. 10 for the time range 380-920 s, further on this behavior is repeated cyclically. This is the range of time when there is the transition of the screw action coefficients through zero values: at these moments the screw works in paralysis mode, its operation is unstable. It is clear that the linear acceleration dv 1 changes less abruptly than the angular acceleration dn 1 . The exact position of the paralysis modes is easy to determine using the graphs in Fig. 3. 571
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