Вестник МГТУ. 2019, Т. 22, № 1.
Сорохтин Н. О. и др. Первая находка алмаза на полуостровах Средний и Рыбачий. Fig. 6. Sampling point Рис. 6. Место отбора проб Results and discussions The Table provides results of the research. The minerals closest to the kimberlitic association in their optical properties have been analyzed using the semi-quantitative X-ray and structural (microprobe) analyses. Diamond is a single particle. It occurs as a transparent, almost colorless fragment with a yellowish tint and silky diamond luster. The fragment is 0.1 mm big, flattened and irregularly angular-shaped. It has irregular conchoidal and step-like chips with an uneven and rough surface. Under a magnifying glass it is clearly visible that some chips have the step-like structure, while the others are covered by a net of perpendicularly intersected fractures (Fig. 7). Verified by the X-ray structural analysis (X-ray diagram, Fig. 8). Fig. 7. Fragment o f a dipiramidal diamond crystal. Facets o f the head are clearly visible Рис. 7. Осколок дипирамидального кристалла алмаза. Хорошо видны грани головки 42
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