Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки) вып.4/2024(3)
H ISTOR ICAL SCIENCES CONTENTS ETHNOLOGY, ETHNOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY Dzenisov G. A. Travel of englishman Edward Ray to the Kola North in 1879............................................. 5 Zmeeva O. V. On the anthropology of religious life in the First world war: railcar church on the Murmansk railway (1915-1918)....................................................... 14 Razumova I. A. Childhood culture in the works of S. M. Loyter.................................................................. 27 Bodrova O. A. Folklore and mythology of the Kola Sami in the context of understanding natural territories as a historical and cultural landscape (on the material of the Kirovsk-Apatity agglomeration of the Murmansk region).......................................... 39 Suleymanova O. A. "Saami national games": to the problem of preserving and popularizing ethnocultural traditions of indigenous people of the Murmansk region.............................. 50 HISTORY Kozhevnikova Yu. N The study of the history of the Kola deanery in the first half of the XIX century by pre-soviet researchers..................................................................... 62 Dubrovskaya E .Ju Political topography of the revolutionary Helsingfors in the spring 1917............................. 69 Petin D. P. Staffing situation in the justice institutes of the Kola North in the 1920s.............................. 84 Pustovoit I. S. Training of primary school teachers and the project of the Teachers' Institute at St.-Petersburg University (1816-1822)................................... 92 ARCHEOLOGY Shakhnovich M. M. Archaeological research of the KSC RAS in the Northern White Sea Region in 2022-2023: testing working hypotheses.......................................... 105 Likhachev V. A. Finding of a new group of petroglyphs on the river Lavna (Kola district of Murmansk region)..................................................................................... 115 Mizin V. G. Expedition to search of “plateau of lovleva” in 2024 (Dal'nie Zelentsy, Murmansk region)................................................................................. 121 SCIENTIFIC LIFE Razumova I. A. At the 10th St. Petersburg International Forum of United Cultures..................................... 130 Busyreva E. V. About The XVII International Scientific Conference of the Russian Association of Women's History Researchers............................................ 136 Busyreva E. V. About the 1st International conference «the Caucasus in the research field: from the origins to the prospects of caucasian studies»............................................. 141 4
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