Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки) вып.1/2024(3)

EARTH SCIENCES AND ECOLOGY Dobrodeeva L. K., Immunological criteria for the risk of vascular Samodova A. V., disaster in persons living and working in the Arctic................... 116 Balashova S. N., Pashinskaya K. O. Pashinskaya K. O., The risk of disruption of adaptation changes Samodova A. V., and the development of cardiovascular disasters Dobrodeeva L. K. in residents of the European North and the Arctic of the Russian Federation.................................. 124 Gubkina L. V., Features of systemic and local immune reactions Samodova A. V., in the Kola samis and Russians living in the Far North............ 131 Dobrodeeva L. K. Lesnaya A. S., Adaptive and disadaptive reactions of the body Darinskaya M. A., in representatives of the indigenous ethnic group Semenova N. V., of Eastern Siberia........................................................................ 137 Kolesnikova L. I. Syurin S. A., Cooling microclimate as a risk factor for occupational Kizeev A. N. pathology in the Arctic.................................................................. 146 Lugovaya E. A., Imbalance of chemical elements in the circumpolar Stepanova E. M. region residents as a result of environmental geochemical influence................................................................ 153 Nikiforova N. A., The role of certain essential and toxic trace elements Karapetyan T. A., in the pathogenesis of community-acquired Dorshakova N. V. pneumonia................................................................................... 160 Pozharskaya V. V. Some factors of affecting the incidence of cold diseases in children (10-18 years old) living in the Murmansk region.... 170 Solovieva V. A., Development of alcoholic dyslipidemia syndrome — social Solovyova N. V., security violation factor in the Arctic region.............................. 179 Udovenkova L. P., Soloviev A. G. 7