Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки) вып.1/2024(3)

EARTH SCIENCES AND ECOLOGY CONTENTS Kameneva Yu. S., Influence of hydroxamic acids composition Chernousenko E. V., on perovskite flotation performance............................................ 9 Mitrofanova G. V. Gulakov V. O., Practical aspects of digitalization Maslennikova A. V. of limnological and paleolimnological studies.......................................................................................... 16 Dvoeglazova N. V., Hydrological situation on the eve of salinization Chubarenko B. V. of the mouth section of the Pregolya River (South-East Baltic)....................................................................... 21 Chernyshev A. N. Comparative characteristics of zooplankton in Sisyarvi and Leschovoye lakes in 2020-2021 (Valaam Archipelago, Ladoga Lake)............................................................................................. 27 Isaeva L. G., Introduction of Siberian dwarf pine in the Lapland Zanuzdayeva N. V., State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Murmansk Region)............. 34 Chueva N. V. Yudin S. I. Paeonia anomala L. from Altai in Kirovsk (Murmansk Region) 40 Ryabov N. S., Analysis of seasonal events changes of Lapland State Zanuzdayeva N. V., Nature Reserve coniferous species and their relations Isaeva L. G. to climate factors......................................................................... 51 Kashulin P. A., Coherent photosynthetic activity between Kalacheva N. V. deciduous arboreal trees............................................................ 63 Drugova T. P. A revision of the genus Sphagnum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) subgenus Cuspidata in Murmansk Province)........ 71 Konstantinova N. A., Additions to liverwort flora of Rybachiy and Sredniy Afonin D. A. Peninsulas (Murmansk Region).................................................. 82 Trostenyuk N. N., Assessment of sowing qualities of seeds and seasonal Svyatkovskaya E. A., development of perennial herbal plants introduced Saltan N. V. at the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute............................... 91 Komulaynen S. F., The structure and dynamics of hydrobiocenosis Baryshev I. A. (phytoperiphyton, zooplankton, zoobenthos) of the rivers of the Karelian coast of the White Sea.................. 104 6