Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки) вып.1/2024(3)

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2024. Т. 3, № 1. С. 40-50. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2024. Vol. 3, No. 1. P. 40-50. 23. Yudin S. I. Rezultaty introduksii rasteniy Altaya v Kiyeve [Results of the introduction of Altai plants in Kyiv]. Byulleten Glavnogo botanichskogo sada [Bulletin of Main Botanical Garden], 2001, Is. 182, pp. 25-30. (In Russ.). ISSN 0366-502X. 24. Yudin S. I. Osobennosti prorastaniya semyan altayskikh predstaviteley sem. Ranunculaceae i Paeoniaceae [Peculiarties of seeds germination Altai representatives of the family Ranunculaceae and Paeoniaceae]. Byulleten Glavnogo botanichskogo sada [Bulletin of Main Botanical Garden], 2004, Is. 188, pp. 174-179. ISSN 0366-502X. 25. Yudin S. I. Populyatsionnyye aspekty introduktsii rasteniy Gornogo Altaya v usloviyakh Kolskogo Zapolyarya [Population aspects of the introduction of plants of the Altai Mountains in the conditions of the Kola Arctic]. Fundamentalnyye i prikladnyye problemy botaniki (Materialy vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii). Chast 6: Introduktsiya rasteniy [Fundamental and applied problems of botany (Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference). Part 6: Introduction of plants]. Petrozavodsk, 2008, pp. 382-384. (In Russ.). 26. Yudin S. I. Introdultsiya Paeonia anomala L. v usloviyakh dotanicheskikh sadov Kiyeva i Kirovska [Introduction of Paeonia anomala L. in the conditions of the botanical gardens of Kyiv and Kirovsk]. Introduktsiya roslin [Plant introduction], 2012, No. 1, pp. 52-57. (In Russ.). ISSN 1605-6574. 27. Yudin S. I. Morfometricheskiye osobennosti semyan altaiskikh vidov semeystv Ranunculaceae Juss. i Paeoniaceae Rudolphi v usloviyakh Kiyeva i Kirovska (Murmanskaya oblast) [Morphometric features of seeds of Altai species of families Ranunculaceae Juss. and Paeoniaceae Rudolphi in the conditions of Kiev and Kirovsk (Murmansk region)]. Introduktsiya roslin [Plant introduction], 2014, No. 1, pp. 9-17. (In Russ.). ISSN 1605-6574. 28. Yudin S. I. Rasteniya Altaya iz semeystv Ranunculaceae Juss. i Paeoniaceae Rudolphi v usloviyakh Kolskogo Severa [Plants of Altai from families Ranunculaceae Juss. and Paeoniaceae Rudolphi in the conditions of Kola North]. Subtropicheskoye i dekorativnoye sadovodstvo [Subtropical and ornamental gardening], 2020, No. 75, pp. 38-48. (In Russ.). ISSN 2225-3068. 29. Yudin S. I. K sozdaniyu ekspozitsii rasteniy flory Altaya v Polyarno-alpiyskom botanicheskom sadu [Towards the creation of an exposition of plants of the Altai flora in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden]. Bulletin Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada [State Nikitsky Botanical Garden], 2020, No. 137, pp. 84-93. (In Russ.). https://doi. org/10.36305/0513-1634-2020-137-84-93. Информация об авторе С. И. Юдин — кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник. Information about the author S. I. Yudin — PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher. Статья поступила в редакцию 21.02.2024; одобрена после рецензирования 29.03.2024; принята к публикации 02.04.2024. The article was submitted 21.02.2024; approved after reviewing 29.03.2024; accepted for publication 02.04.2024. © Юдин С. И., 2024 50