Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки) вып.1/2024(3)

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2024. Т. 3, № 1. С. 40-50. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2024. Vol. 3, No. 1. P. 40-50. 3. Baranov A. P. Problema akklimatizacii kak vedushchaya zadacha botanicheskih sadov [The problem of acclimatization as the leading task of botanical gardens]. Byulleten Glavnogo botanicheskogo sada [Bulletin of Main Botanical Gardens], 1953, Is. 15, pp. 18-23. (In Russ.). 4. Vavilov N. I. Linneevskij vid kak sistema [Linnaean view as a system]. Trudy po prikladnoy botaniki, genetiki i selektcii. Vipusk 3 [Proceedings ofthe USSR Academy of Sciences. Issue 3]. Leningrad, 1931, Vol. 26, pp. 109-134. (In Russ.). 5. Vintergoller B. A., Grudzinskaya L. M., Aralbaev N. K. et al. Rasteniya prirodnoj flory Kazahstana [Plants of natural flora of Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, Gylym, 1990, 228 p. (In Russ.). 6. Kpasnaya kniga Murmanskoj oblasti [Red data book of Murmansk Region]. Kemerovo, 2014, 584 p. (In Russ.). 7. Luchnik Z. I. Dekorativnyye rasteniya Gornogo Altaya [Ornamental plants of the Altai Mountains]. Moscow, Selkhozgiz, 1951, 224 p. (In Russ.). 8. Maleev V. P. Teoretichskiye osnovy introduktsii [Theoretical foundations of introduction]. Leningrad, Selkhozgiz, 1933, 160 p. (In Russ.). 9. Metodika fenologicheskikh nablyudeniy v botanicheskikh sadakh SSSR [Methodology for phonological observations in botanical gardens of the SSSR]. Moscow, Main Botanical Garden, Council of Botanical Gardens of the USSR, 1975, 28 p. 10. Malysheva R. M. Piony v Tomskoy oblasti [Peonies in the Tomsk region]. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1975, 113 p. (In Russ.). 11. Minaeva V. G. Lekarstvenniye rasteniya Sibiri [Medicinal plants of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1991, 428 p. (In Russ.). 12. Nikolaeva M. G. Pokoy semyan [Seed dormacy]. Fiziologiya semyan [Seed physiology]. Moscow, Nauka, 1982, pp. 125-28 8. (In Russ.). 13. Orlova N. I. Rod Paeonia L. [The genus Paeonia L.]. Flora Murmanskoy oblasti [Flora of the Murmansk region]. Moscow, Leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1956, Is. III, pp. 259-260. (In Russ.). 14. Redkiye i ischezayushchiye rasteniyaflory SSSR [Rare and endangered plants of the flora of the USSR]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1981, 263 p. (In Russ.). 15. Semko A. P. Klimaticheskaya kharakteristika Polyarno-alpiyskogo botanicheskogo sada [Climatic characteristics of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden]. Flora i rastitelnost Murmanskoy oblasti [Flora and vegetation of the Murmansk region]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1972, pp. 73-130. (In Russ.). 16. Sinskaya E. N. Vid i yego strukurnyye chasti na razlichnykh urovnyakh organicheskogo mira [The species and its structural parts at various levels of the organic world]. Byulleten Vserossiyskogo NH rasteniyevodstva [Bulletin All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Growing], 1976, Is. 91, pp. 7-24. (In Russ.). 17. Skvortsov A. K., Trulevich N. V., Alferova Z. R. Introduktsiya rasteniy prirodnoy flory SSSR [Introdaction of plants of the natural flora of USSR]. Moscow, Nauka, 1979, 431 p. (In Russ.). 18. Savkina Z. P., Andreeva T. V., Govorina T. P. Dikorastushchiye travy Yakutii v culture [Wild herbs of Yakutia in culture]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1981, 234 p. (In Russ.). 19. Tokarsky O. F. Introduktsyya roslyn Altayu [Introduction of Altai plants]. Introdukstiya na Ukraine korisnikh roslinprirodnoi flori SRSR [Introduction of useful plants of natural flora in Ukraine]. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1972, pp. 196-234. 20. Filipova L. N. Vvedeniye v kulturu I biologiya razvitiya vidov mtstnoyflory [Introduction to the culture and developmental biology of native flora species]. Apatity, KNC RAN USSR, 1990, 132 p. (In Russ.). 21. Shipchinsky N. V. Rod Paeonia L. [Genus Paeonia L.] Flora USSR [Flora of the USSR]. Moscow, Leningrad, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1937, Vol. VII, pp. 24-35. (In Russ.). 22. Shulkina T. V. Biologiya nekotorykh travyanistykh introdutsentov v Leningrade [Biology of same herbaceous introduced plants in Leningrad]. Trudy BIN AN SSSR. Ser. 6. Vip. 10 [Proceedings of the BIN AN USSR. Ser. 6. Is. 10.], 1970, pp. 131-161. (In Russ.). © Юдин С. И., 2024 49